Taigon is a real-time chat app project written by React(Front-End) and Django(Backend).
Link : http://taigon.martin-lin.com/
- There are multiple chatrooms with eight categories you can join
- You can real-time send a text message or picture in the chatroom
- You also can create your own chatroom you want in the lobby
Front-End code : quick_link Website Link : http://taigon.martin-lin.com/
You can login as a test user:
- account: test
- password: test
Technique | Description |
React | use React building a Single Page Application |
Redux | use Redux manage global state in this project |
Router | use React Router setting up routes for this project |
Webpack | use Webpack bundle my Front-End modules |
Babel | use Babel transpiling the JSX code |
Technique | Description |
Django | use Django as Backend framework |
Django REST framework | use Django REST framework building Web APIs |
Django Channel | use Django channel dealing with WebSockets, chat protocols |
Technique | Description |
PostgreSQL | use Postgres manage the relation database |
There are One to One, One to Many, Many to Many relationships in this project
- Update UI/UX
- Redesign Database
- Add Friends feature in project
Name : Cheng Yi Lin Email : [email protected]