- 🌱 I'm a Computer Engineering Undergraduate Student with a passion for Front-End Development and Open Source.
- 🎯 I have one year of internship experience as a Front-End Developer and have interviewed for both Front-End and Back-End positions.
- 🌐 Currently working in Hangzhou, China.
- 💬 Ask me about JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, or any tech-related topics!
- ⭐ You may like blog where I share tech insights 、bilibili for fun videos、or xiaohongshu for more personal content
- ⚡ Fun fact: Data Analysis📊
const skill = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
code: [Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Python, Java, Swift],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Next", "Vue"],
css: ["TailWindCss", "Bootstrap", "Antd Design", "Element UI"]
backEnd: {
java: ["Spring", "springboot"],
js: ["Node", "Express"],
csharp: ["Asp.net Core"],
misc: ["Bash", "Puppeteer", "Selenium", "Cypress"]
databases: ["MongoDB", "mySQL", "SQLServer", "oracle"],
mobile: ["Android"],
draw: ["SAI", "Photoshop","procreate"]
currentOccupation: ["four year student, open for job opportunities"],
challenge: "I'm working towards being able to run a marathon.",
“幸福像玻璃一样,平时从未察觉,但它确实存在。稍微改变看的角度,玻璃就会映照出光芒,比任何东西都要闪耀。” ——鲁路修·兰佩路基,《反叛的鲁路修》
- 有一个分享编程的b站账号 冰激凌奶茶雪糕子,不过更新不多(我的小号)
- 不知名二次元up主,偶尔参加漫展,接模特单,做一些有意思的视频分享给观众姥爷,主要营业在🍠和B站
- 业余爱好弹古筝、钢琴,画漫画,跳舞
- 主坑东方和ff14
I love to make friends. so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more!😊
⭐️ From Charlotte21110