Expose metrics from Couchbase cluster for consumption by Prometheus.
Run from command line:
./couchbase_exporter [flags]
The exporter supports various configuration ways: command line arguments takes precedence over environment variables that take precedence over configuration file.
Configuration file can be written in json or yaml, must be named config.json
or config.yml
, and must be placed in the same directory that the exporter binary. You can find complete examples of configuation files in the sources (directory examples
As for available flags and equivalent environment variables, here is a list:
environment variable | argument | description | default |
CB_EXPORTER_LISTEN_ADDR | -web.listen-address | Address to listen on for HTTP requests | :9191 |
CB_EXPORTER_TELEMETRY_PATH | -web.telemetry-path | Path under which to expose metrics | /metrics |
CB_EXPORTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT | -web.timeout | Server read timeout in seconds | 10s |
CB_EXPORTER_DB_URI | -db.uri | Address of Couchbase cluster | |
CB_EXPORTER_DB_TIMEOUT | -db.timeout | Couchbase client timeout in seconds | 10s |
CB_EXPORTER_DB_USER | not allowed | Administrator username | |
CB_EXPORTER_DB_PASSWORD | not allowed | Administrator password | |
CB_EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL | -log.level | Log level: info,debug,warn,error,fatal | info |
CB_EXPORTER_LOG_FORMAT | -log.format | Log format: text, json | text |
CB_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_CLUSTER | -scrape.cluster | If false, wont scrape cluster metrics | true |
CB_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_NODE | -scrape.node | If false, wont scrape node metrics | true |
CB_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_BUCKET | -scrape.bucket | If false, wont scrape bucket metrics | true |
CB_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_XDCR | -scrape.xdcr | If false, wont scrape xdcr metrics | false |
-help | Command line help |
Important: for security reasons credentials cannot be set with command line arguments.
name | description |
cb_cluster_ram_total_bytes | Total memory available to the cluster |
cb_cluster_ram_used_bytes | Memory used by the cluster |
cb_cluster_ram_used_by_data_bytes | Memory used by the data in the cluster |
cb_cluster_ram_quota_total_bytes | Total memory allocated to Couchbase in the cluster |
cb_cluster_ram_quota_used_bytes | Memory quota used by the cluster |
cb_cluster_disk_total_bytes | Total disk space available to the cluster |
cb_cluster_disk_used_bytes | Disk space used by the cluster |
cb_cluster_disk_quota_total_bytes | Disk space quota for the cluster |
cb_cluster_disk_used_by_data_bytes | Disk space used by the data in the cluster |
cb_cluster_disk_free_bytes | Free disk space in the cluster |
cb_cluster_fts_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to full text search buckets |
cb_cluster_index_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to Index buckets |
cb_cluster_data_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to Data buckets |
cb_cluster_rebalance_status | Rebalancing status |
cb_cluster_max_bucket_count | Maximum number of buckets allowed |
cb_cluster_failover_node_count | Number of failovers since cluster is up |
cb_cluster_rebalance_success_count | Number of rebalance successes since cluster is up |
cb_cluster_rebalance_start_count | Number of rebalance starts since cluster is up |
cb_cluster_rebalance_fail_count | Number of rebalance fails since cluster is up |
cb_cluster_balanced | Status of cluster balance (in 5.1.1) |
name | description |
cb_node_service_up | Couchbase service healthcheck |
cb_node_ram_total_bytes | Total memory available to the node |
cb_node_ram_usage_bytes | Memory used by the node |
cb_node_ram_used_by_data_bytes | Memory used by data in the node |
cb_node_ram_quota_total_bytes | Memory quota allocated to the node |
cb_node_ram_quota_used_bytes | Memory quota used by the node |
cb_node_disk_total_bytes | Total disk space available to the node |
cb_node_disk_quota_total_bytes | Disk space quota for the node |
cb_node_disk_used_bytes | Disk space used by the node |
cb_node_disk_used_by_data_bytes | Disk space used by data in the node |
cb_node_disk_free_bytes | Free disk space in the node |
cb_node_cpu_utilization_rate | CPU utilization rate in percent |
cb_node_swap_total_bytes | Total swap space allocated to the node |
cb_node_swap_used_bytes | Amount of swap space used by the node |
cb_node_stats_cmd_get | Number of get commands |
cb_node_stats_couch_docs_actual_disk_size | Disk space used by Couchbase documents |
cb_node_stats_couch_docs_data_size | Couchbase documents data size in the node |
cb_node_stats_couch_spatial_data_size | Data size for Couchbase spatial views |
cb_node_stats_couch_spatial_disk_size | Disk space used by Couchbase spatial views |
cb_node_stats_couch_views_actual_disk_size | Disk space used by Couchbase views |
cb_node_stats_couch_views_data_size | Data size for Couchbase views |
cb_node_stats_curr_items | Number of current items |
cb_node_stats_curr_items_tot | Total number of items in the node |
cb_node_stats_ep_bg_fetched | Number of background disk fetches |
cb_node_stats_get_hits | Number of get hits |
cb_node_stats_mem_used | Memory used by the node |
cb_node_stats_ops | Number of operations performed in the node |
cb_node_stats_vb_replica_curr_items | Number of replicas in current items |
cb_node_stats_vb_active_num_non_resident_number | Number of non-resident items in active vbuckets (in 5.1.1) |
cb_node_uptime_seconds | Node uptime |
cb_node_cluster_membership | Cluster membership |
cb_node_status | Status of couchbase node |
cb_node_fts_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to full text search buckets |
cb_node_index_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to index buckets |
cb_node_data_ram_quota_bytes | Memory quota allocated to data buckets |
name | description |
cb_bucket_ram_quota_percent_used | Memory used by the bucket in percent |
cb_bucket_ops_per_second | Number of operations per second |
cb_bucket_disk_fetches | Disk fetches for the bucket |
cb_bucket_item_count | Number of items in the bucket |
cb_bucket_disk_used_bytes | Disk used by the bucket |
cb_bucket_data_used_bytes | Data loaded in memory |
cb_bucket_ram_used_bytes | Bucket RAM used |
cb_bucket_couch_total_disk_size | Couchbase total disk size |
cb_bucket_couch_docs_fragmentation | Couchbase documents fragmentation |
cb_bucket_couch_views_fragmentation | Couchbase views fragmentation |
cb_bucket_hit_ratio | Hit ratio |
cb_bucket_ep_cache_miss_rate | Cache miss rate |
cb_bucket_ep_resident_items_rate | Number of resident items |
cb_bucket_vb_avg_active_queue_age | Average age in seconds of active items in the active item queue |
cb_bucket_vb_avg_replica_queue_age | Average age in seconds of replica items in the replica item queue |
cb_bucket_vb_avg_pending_queue_age | Average age in seconds of pending items in the pending item queue |
cb_bucket_vb_avg_total_queue_age | Average age of items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_active_resident_items_ratio | Number of resident items |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_resident_items_ratio | Number of resident replica items |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_resident_items_ratio | Number of resident pending items |
cb_bucket_avg_disk_update_time | Average disk update time |
cb_bucket_avg_disk_commit_time | Average disk commit time |
cb_bucket_avg_bg_wait_time | Average background wait time |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_count | Number of indexes views DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_items_remaining | Number of indexes views items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_producer_count | Number of indexes views producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_total_backlog_size | Number of indexes views items remaining for replication |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_items_sent | Number of indexes views sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_total_bytes | Number of bytes per second being sent for indexes views DCP |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_indexes_backoff | Number of backoffs for indexes views DCP connections |
cb_bucket_bg_wait_count | Background wait |
cb_bucket_bg_wait_total | Total background wait |
cb_bucket_bytes_read | Bytes read |
cb_bucket_bytes_written | Bytes written |
cb_bucket_cas_badval | Compare and Swap bad values |
cb_bucket_cas_hits | Compare and Swap hits |
cb_bucket_cas_misses | Compare and Swap misses |
cb_bucket_cmd_get | Gets from memory |
cb_bucket_cmd_set | Sets to memory |
cb_bucket_couch_docs_actual_disk_size | Total size of documents on disk in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_docs_data_size | Documents size in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_docs_disk_size | Total size of documents in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_spatial_data_size | Size of object data for spatial views |
cb_bucket_couch_spatial_disk_size | Amount of disk space occupied by spatial views |
cb_bucket_couch_spatial_ops | Spatial operations |
cb_bucket_couch_views_actual_disk_size | Total size of views on disk in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_views_data_size | Views size in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_views_disk_size | Total size of views in bytes |
cb_bucket_couch_views_ops | View operations |
cb_bucket_curr_connections | Current bucket connections |
cb_bucket_curr_items | Number of active items in memory |
cb_bucket_curr_items_tot | Total number of items |
cb_bucket_decr_hits | Decrement hits |
cb_bucket_decr_misses | Decrement misses |
cb_bucket_delete_hits | Delete hits |
cb_bucket_delete_misses | Delete misses |
cb_bucket_disk_commit_count | Disk commits |
cb_bucket_disk_commit_total | Total disk commits |
cb_bucket_disk_update_count | Disk updates |
cb_bucket_disk_update_total | Total disk updates |
cb_bucket_disk_write_queue | Disk write queue depth |
cb_bucket_ep_bg_fetched | Disk reads per second |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_backoff | Number of backoffs for indexes DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_count | Number of indexes DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_items_remaining | Number of indexes items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_items_sent | Number of indexes items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_producer_count | Number of indexes producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_total_backlog_size | Number of indexes total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_2i_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for indexes DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_backoff | Number of backoffs for fts DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_count | Number of fts DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_items_remaining | Number of fts items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_items_sent | Number of fts items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_producer_count | Number of fts producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_total_backlog_size | Number of fts total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_fts_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for fts DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_backoff | Number of backoffs for other DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_count | Number of other DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_items_remaining | Number of other items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_items_sent | Number of other items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_producer_count | Number of other producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_total_backlog_size | Number of other total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_other_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for other DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_backoff | Number of backoffs for replica DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_count | Number of replica DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_items_remaining | Number of replica items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_items_sent | Number of replica items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_producer_count | Number of replica producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_total_backlog_size | Number of replica total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_replica_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for replica DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_backoff | Number of backoffs for views DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_count | Number of views DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_items_remaining | Number of views items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_items_sent | Number of views items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_producer_count | Number of views producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_total_backlog_size | Number of views total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_views_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for views DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_backoff | Number of backoffs for xdcr DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_count | Number of xdcr DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_items_remaining | Number of xdcr items remaining to be sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_items_sent | Number of xdcr items sent |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_producer_count | Number of xdcr producers |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_total_backlog_size | Number of xdcr total backlog size |
cb_bucket_ep_dcp_xdcr_total_bytes | Number bytes per second being sent for xdcr DCP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_diskqueue_drain | Total Drained items on disk queue |
cb_bucket_ep_diskqueue_fill | Total enqueued items on disk queue |
cb_bucket_ep_diskqueue_items | Total number of items waiting to be written to disk |
cb_bucket_ep_flusher_todo | Number of items currently being written |
cb_bucket_ep_item_commit_failed | Number of times a transaction failed to commit due to storage errors |
cb_bucket_ep_kv_size | Total amount of user data cached in RAM |
cb_bucket_ep_max_size | Maximum amount of memory this bucket can use |
cb_bucket_ep_mem_high_wat | Memory usage high water mark for auto-evictions |
cb_bucket_ep_mem_low_wat | Memory usage low water mark for auto-evictions |
cb_bucket_ep_meta_data_memory | Total amount of item metadata consuming RAM |
cb_bucket_ep_num_non_resident | Number of non-resident items |
cb_bucket_ep_num_ops_del_meta | Number of delete operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR |
cb_bucket_ep_num_ops_del_ret_meta | Number of delRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR |
cb_bucket_ep_num_ops_get_meta | Number of read operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR |
cb_bucket_ep_num_ops_set_meta | Number of write operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR |
cb_bucket_ep_num_ops_set_ret_meta | Number of setRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR |
cb_bucket_ep_num_value_ejects | Number of times item values got ejected from memory to disk |
cb_bucket_ep_oom_errors | Number of times unrecoverable OOMs happened while processing operations |
cb_bucket_ep_ops_create | Create operations |
cb_bucket_ep_ops_update | Update operations |
cb_bucket_ep_overhead | Extra memory used by transient data like persistence queues or checkpoints |
cb_bucket_ep_queue_size | Number of items queued for storage |
cb_bucket_ep_tmp_oom_errors | Number of times recoverable OOMs happened while processing operations |
cb_bucket_ep_vb_total | Total number of vBuckets for this bucket |
cb_bucket_evictions | Number of evictions |
cb_bucket_get_hits | Number of get hits |
cb_bucket_get_misses | Number of get misses |
cb_bucket_incr_hits | Number of increment hits |
cb_bucket_incr_misses | Number of increment misses |
cb_bucket_mem_used | Engine's total memory usage (deprecated) |
cb_bucket_misses | Total number of misses |
cb_bucket_ops | Total number of operations |
cb_bucket_vb_active_eject | Number of items per second being ejected to disk from active vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_active_itm_memory | Amount of active user data cached in RAM |
cb_bucket_vb_active_meta_data_memory | Amount of active item metadata consuming RAM |
cb_bucket_vb_active_num | Number of active items |
cb_bucket_vb_active_num_non_resident | Number of non resident vBuckets in the active state for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_active_ops_create | New items per second being inserted into active vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_active_ops_update | Number of items updated on active vBucket per second for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_active_queue_age | Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds |
cb_bucket_vb_active_queue_drain | Total drained items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_active_queue_fill | Number of active items per second being put on the active item disk queue |
cb_bucket_vb_active_queue_size | Number of active items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_curr_items | Number of items in pending vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_eject | Number of items per second being ejected to disk from pending vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_itm_memory | Amount of pending user data cached in RAM |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_meta_data_memory | Amount of pending item metadata consuming RAM |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_num | Number of pending items |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_num_non_resident | Number of non resident vBuckets in the pending state for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_ops_create | Number of pending create operations |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_ops_update | Number of items updated on pending vBucket per second for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_queue_age | Sum of disk pending queue item age in milliseconds |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_queue_drain | Total drained pending items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_queue_fill | Total enqueued pending items on disk queue |
cb_bucket_vb_pending_queue_size | Number of pending items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_curr_items | Number of in memory items |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_eject | Number of items per second being ejected to disk from replica vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_itm_memory | Amount of replica user data cached in RAM |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_meta_data_memory | Total metadata memory |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_num | Number of replica vBuckets |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_num_non_resident | Number of non resident vBuckets in the replica state for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_ops_create | Number of replica create operations |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_ops_update | Number of items updated on replica vBucket per second for this bucket |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_queue_age | Sum of disk replica queue item age in milliseconds |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_queue_drain | Total drained replica items in the queue |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_queue_fill | Total enqueued replica items on disk queue |
cb_bucket_vb_replica_queue_size | Replica items in disk queue |
cb_bucket_vb_total_queue_age | Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds |
cb_bucket_xdc_ops | Number of cross-datacenter replication operations |
cb_bucket_cpu_idle_ms | CPU idle milliseconds |
cb_bucket_cpu_local_ms | CPU local milliseconds |
cb_bucket_cpu_utilization_rate | CPU utilization percentage |
cb_bucket_hibernated_requests | Number of streaming requests now idle |
cb_bucket_hibernated_waked | Rate of streaming request wakeups |
cb_bucket_mem_actual_free | Actual free memory |
cb_bucket_mem_actual_used | Actual used memory |
cb_bucket_mem_free | Free memory |
cb_bucket_mem_total | Total memeory |
cb_bucket_mem_used_sys | System memory usage |
cb_bucket_rest_requests | Number of HTTP requests |
cb_bucket_swap_total | Total amount of swap available |
cb_bucket_swap_used | Amount of swap used |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_count | Number of internal rebalancing TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_qlen | Number of items in the rebalance TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_queue_backfillremaining | Number of items in the backfill queues of rebalancing TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_queue_backoff | Number of back-offs received per second while sending data over rebalancing connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_queue_drain | Number of items per second being sent over rebalancing TAP connections, i.e. removed from queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_queue_fill | Number of items per second being sent to queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_queue_itemondisk | Number of items still on disk to be loaded for rebalancing TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_rebalance_total_backlog_size | Number of remaining items for rebalancing TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_count | Number of internal replication TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_qlen | Number of items in the replication TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_queue_backfillremaining | Number of items in the backfill queues of replication TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_queue_backoff | Number of back-offs received per second while sending data over replication connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_queue_drain | Total drained items in the replica queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_queue_fill | Number of items per second being sent to queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_queue_itemondisk | Number of items still on disk to be loaded for replication TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_replica_total_backlog_size | Number of remaining items for replication TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_count | Total number of internal TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_qlen | Total number of items in TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_queue_backfillremaining | Total number of items in the backfill queues of TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_queue_backoff | Total number of back-offs received per second while sending data over TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_queue_drain | Total drained items in the queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_queue_fill | Total enqueued items in the queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_queue_itemondisk | Total number of items still on disk to be loaded for TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_total_total_backlog_size | Number of remaining items for replication |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_count | Number of internal user TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_qlen | Number of items in user TAP queues |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_queue_backfillremaining | Number of items in the backfill queues of user TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_queue_backoff | Number of back-offs received per second while sending data over user TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_queue_drain | Number of items per second being sent over user TAP connections to this bucket, i.e. removed from queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_queue_fill | Number of items per second being sent to queue |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_queue_itemondisk | Number of items still on disk to be loaded for client TAP connections |
cb_bucket_ep_tap_user_total_backlog_size | Number of remaining items for client TAP connections |
cb_bucket_avg_active_timestamp_drift | Average active timestamp drift |
cb_bucket_avg_replica_timestamp_drift | Average replica timestamp drift |
cb_bucket_ep_active_ahead_exceptions | Sum total of all active vBuckets drift_ahead_threshold_exceeded counter |
cb_bucket_ep_active_hlc_drift | Total absolute drift for all active vBuckets |
cb_bucket_ep_active_hlc_drift_count | Number of updates applied to ep_active_hlc_drift |
cb_bucket_ep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded | Ep clock cas drift threshold exceeded |
cb_bucket_ep_replica_ahead_exceptions | Sum total of all replica vBuckets' drift_ahead_threshold_exceeded counter |
cb_bucket_ep_replica_hlc_drift | Total absolute drift for all replica vBuckets |
cb_bucket_ep_replica_hlc_drift_count | Number of updates applied to ep_replica_hlc_drift |
name | description |
cb_xdcr_bandwidth_usage | Bandwidth used during replication, measured in bytes per second |
cb_xdcr_changes_left | Number of updates still pending replication |
cb_xdcr_data_replicated | Size of data replicated in bytes |
cb_xdcr_docs_checked | Number of documents checked for changes |
cb_xdcr_docs_failed_cr_source | Number of documents that have failed conflict resolution on the source cluster and not replicated to target cluster |
cb_xdcr_docs_filtered | Number of documents that have been filtered out and not replicated to target cluster |
cb_xdcr_docs_opt_repd | Number of docs sent optimistically |
cb_xdcr_docs_received_from_dcp | Number of documents received from DCP |
cb_xdcr_docs_rep_queue | Number of documents in replication queue |
cb_xdcr_docs_written | Number of documents written to the destination cluster via XDCR |
cb_xdcr_meta_latency_wt | Weighted average time for requesting document metadata |
cb_xdcr_num_checkpoints | Number of checkpoints issued in replication queue |
cb_xdcr_num_failedckpts | Number of checkpoints failed during replication |
cb_xdcr_rate_received_from_dcp | Number of documents received from DCP per second |
cb_xdcr_rate_replicated | Rate of documents being replicated, measured in documents per second |
cb_xdcr_size_rep_queue | Size of replication queue in bytes |
cb_xdcr_time_committing | Seconds elapsed during replication |
cb_xdcr_wtavg_docs_latency | Weighted average latency for sending replicated changes to destination cluster |
cb_xdcr_wtavg_meta_latency | Weighted average time for requesting document metadata |
cb_xdcr_percent_completeness | Percentage of checked items out of all checked and to-be-replicated items |
cb_xdcr_error_count | Number of XDCR errors |
Get the latest image from Docker Hub:
docker pull blakelead/couchbase-exporter:latest
and use it with environment variables like in the following example:
docker run --name cbexporter -p 9191:9191 -e CB_EXPORTER_DB_USER=admin -e CB_EXPORTER_DB_PASSWORD=complicatedpassword blakelead/couchbase-exporter:latest
You can find example files in examples
Some alerting rules that can be used in Prometheus configuration for alert manager notifications.
Minimal dashboard that shows how to use the exporter metrics.
You can adapt and use the service template to run couchbase_exporter with systemd.
sudo mv systemd-exporter.service /etc/systemd/system/couchbase-exporter.service
sudo systemctl enable couchbase-exporter.service
sudo systemctl start couchbase-exporter.service
Adel Abdelhak