This repos contains configuration and tooling to execute tempest integration tests against production sites.
we assume that we start with a list of sites to test, such as uc_dev, uc_prod, kvm_prod, ...
To test a site, we need to provide the following config files:
- accounts.yaml file # this defines a list of non-admin users that tempest will use to connect to the site
- tempest.conf file # this defines properties of the site that tempest needs to configure tests, such as what features are enabled/disabled, uuids of images and networks to use,...
And the following inputs to configure which tests to run:
- include_list # a text file, each line define a regex of tests to run
- exclude_list # a text file, each line defines a rexex of tests to exclude
the exclude list takes priority over the include list.
when we want to run tempest tests, we'll do the following
- create a temporary tempest "workspace"
- copy the provided accounts.yaml and tempest.conf files into the workspace (with minimal templating so that the corect paths are populated in tempest conf)
- copy include_list and exclude_list into the workspace