socialBridge: Tracking and Optimising your Leetcode, Linkdin, Instagram, Twitter and Github usage (in progress not yet complete)
status: In progress
Through this project, I hope to demonstrate my growing skills and knowledge in several areas:
- Data Engineering
- Machine Learning
- Data Analytics
- Backend and frontend Development
- Cloud Technologies
- Closely tracking usage of multiple social media platforms to provide accurate insights via daily text message updates.
- Leetcode stats like total questions solved, new concept questions done or not on a particular day, time spent etc sent via daily text message updates.
- Dashboard for indepth time series data analysis.
- RAG based chat agent to query a users db and understand patterns and habits.
Airflow + Python:- For establishing and managing data pipelines across various social media platforms.
FastAPI:- for backend and API building.
PostgreSQL:- going with a sql database. Separate tables for separate social media sites.
Langchain + PGvector vector database:- For Retrival Augmented Generation(RAG) chat agent utility, pgvector for retrival as already postgresql being used.
Llama-chat-7b and llama.cpp:- A lighweight Large Language Model for Rag feature.
Clerk:- registration and for managing users.
React.js and TailwindCSS:- Frontend, web interface for users
Tableau :- for Dashboard and in-depth visulaisation customised for every user.
AWS (ec2, S3, RDS) + Docker + Github Actions :- for cloud services and ci/cd pipeline.