This project implements an optimized solution for generating chord combinations for text input on (currently only ortholinear/matrix) keyboards, taking into account word frequency distributions following Zipf's law and key positions in the chosen keyboard layout.
Minimize the total weighted cost:
$\sum_{i=1}^n f(i) * C(w_i, c_i)$ where:-
$f(i)$ is the Zipf frequency of word$i$ -
$C(w_i, c_i)$ is the cost function for assigning chord$c_i$ to word$w_i$
Optimize keyboard ergonomics:
- Avoid same-finger usage
- Minimize lateral stretches and scissor movements
- Prefer home row placement where feasible
Maintain core rules:
- No duplicate characters in chords
- Single-character words exempt from chord assignment
- Multi-character words must receive chord assignments
- Chord length bounds: MIN_LETTERS ≤ |c| ≤ MAX_LETTERS
The generator is optimized for ortholinear keyboard layouts with the Canary layout as an example. Key aspects considered:
Finger positioning:
- Each column maps to a specific finger
- Vertical movement costs increase with distance
- Adjacent key combinations
Movement penalties:
- Same Finger Bigrams (SFB): Prohibited
- Lateral Stretch Bigrams (LSB): Low penalty
- Half Scissor Bigrams (HSB): Very low penalty
- Full Scissor Bigrams (FSB): Medium penalty
- Combined LSB+FSB: High penalty
The weighted cost function incorporates:
Base Metrics:
- Chord length (high weight)
- Fallback letter usage (high weight)
- Same finger utilization (medium weight)
Position Weights:
- First letter inclusion
- Second letter inclusion
- Last letter inclusion
Layout-Specific Factors:
- Finger travel distance
- Row positioning
- Hand alternation bonuses
Initial Chord Generation:
- Generate all valid subset combinations from word letters
- Filter against already used chords
- Apply length constraints
Fallback System:
- When no valid subset exists: a. Identify most compatible additional letter based on layout b. Generate new subset combinations c. Recurse if needed
Cost Evaluation:
- Apply weighted cost function to valid candidates
- Select optimal chord based on combined metrics
The system uses a config file (generator.config) for customization:
KEYLAYOUT_TYPE = ortholinear
# Cost Weights
The generator produces a JSON file containing:
- Chord assignments
- Optimization metrics:
- Total weighted cost
- Approximation ratio
- First/last letter usage rate
- Fallback assignment count
- Average chord length
- Single letter word count
python [corpus_file] [--config path/to/config]
The program processes the input corpus and generates optimized chord assignments considering both frequency distribution and keyboard ergonomics.