released this
30 Oct 10:05
Added: Form inputs now support Help icon buttons to display helpful information about an input in a popover.
Added: Checkbox now supports a danger state for providing error feedback to users when validation fails.
Added: Text input and Textarea now support the readonly attribute to prevent users from changing their value.
Added: Textarea now supports the placeholder attribute to provide users with an example of the type of data that can be entered into an input.
Added: Icons icon-compose
, icon-reload
Added: Progress component now includes web component support.
Added: Dropdown component now includes cypress tests.
Added: Mobile navigation now includes cypress tests.
Added: Modal now includes cypress tests.
Added: Popover now includes cypress tests.
Added: Tabs now includes cypress tests.
Changed: Checkbox display from block to flex to support required and help states.
Changed: Form items with -row layout now apply a padding-right to child input labels to eliminate need for a spacing utility class.
Changed: Form items with label wrapper now style icons using a child combinator instead of a descendant combinator to support help icon buttons.
Changed: Icons icon-circle-reload
and icon-circle-reload-outline
have been updated for consistency with icon-reload
Changed: Select component class has been renamed from chi-input
to chi-select
Changed: File input component class has been renamed from chi-input
to chi-file-input
Changed: Range slider component class has been renamed from chi-input
to chi-range-slider
Changed: Text input component styles have been optimized to reduce chi.css file size.
Changed: Button group component styles have been optimized to reduce chi.css file size.
Fixed: Label required asterisk color no longer fails color contrast test.
Fixed: Textarea web component specific styles were not loading due to an incorrect :host() pseudo-class.
Fixed: Alert content text was not wrapping correctly in IE11.
Fixed: Brand web component skeleton was rendering with the width and height values of CenturyLink logo instead of Lumen logo.
Fixed: Button web component skeleton rendered with an inconsistent display property that caused skeletons to stack instead of rendering inline.
Fixed: Button web component skeleton was not respecting icon button sizes.
Fixed: Progress web component skeleton rendered with a margin that caused the component to jump after preloading.
Added: Installation page now includes framework specific boilerplates for Vue, Stencil, Angular, and React.
Added: Checkbox documentation examples for: Checked, Required, Help, Message, Error, and Grid.
Added: Text input documentation examples for: Readonly, Placeholder, Required, Optional, Help, Message, and Error.
Added: Textarea documentation examples for: Readonly, Placeholder, Required, Optional, Help, Message, and Error.
Added: Textarea documentation examples for Layout Variations.
Added: Portal templates page now includes an example for alert Modals.
Changed: Checkbox documentation code samples have been improved.
Changed: Text Input documentation code samples have been improved.
Changed: Textarea documentation code samples have been improved.
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