//versione demoooo
Telegram-SpottedDMI-Bot is the platform that powers @Spotted_DMI_Bot, a Telegram bot that let students send an anonymous message to the channel community.
The bot is live on Telegram with the username @Spotted_DMI_Bot. To see the posts, once published, check Spotted DMI Send '/start' to start it, '/help' to see a list of commands.
Please note that the commands and their answers are in Italian.
If you want to deploy your own version of this bot, you will need to have a telegram bot available. You should read this guide for more details, but in short:
- Send a message to @Botfather
- Follow the guided procedure
- You will recieve a token. Whoever knows that token has complete control over your bot, so handle it with care
- You will need that token later, for it is a needed value in the settings
- Python 3 (3.9)
- python-pip3
Listed in requirements.txt.
The main ones are:
Clone this repository
[OPTIONAL] Create "data/yaml/reactions.yaml" and edit the desired parameters.
Create "config/settings.yaml" and edit the desired parameters. Make sure to add a valid token setting.
Make sure the bot is in present both in the admin group and in the spot channel. It may need to have admin privileges. If comments are enabled, the bot has to be in the comment group too as an admin.
What follows are some example settings with explaination for each:
python3 main.py
- Clone this repository
- [OPTIONAL] Create "data/yaml/reactions.yaml" and edit the desired parameters.
- Create "config/settings.yaml" and edit the desired parameters. Make sure to add a valid token setting.
- [OPTIONAL] You could also leave the settings files alone, and use environment variables on the container instead.
- Make sure the bot is in present both in the admin group and in the spot channel. It may need to have admin privileges. If comments are enabled, the bot has to be in the comment group too as an admin.
- All the env vars with the same name (case insensitive) will override the ones in the settings file. To update the meme settings, prefix the env var name with MEME_. The same is true for the test settings, that have to be prefixed with TEST_.
- Run
docker build --tag botimage .
- Run
docker run -d --name botcontainer -e TOKEN=<token_arg> [other env vars] botimage
First run
docker build --tag botimage .
Then something like
docker run -d --name botcontainer -e TOKEN=<token_arg> -e MEME_CHANNEL_ID=-4 -e MEME_GROUP_ID=-5 TEST_TOKEN=<token_test> botimage
- Run
docker stop botcontainer
to stop the container - Run
docker rm -f botcontainer
to remove the container
The VsCode Remote - Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open any folder inside (or mounted into) a container and take advantage of VsCode's full feature set.
- Start VsCode, run the Remote-Containers: Reopen in container command from the Command Palette (F1)
When it is initialized, the bot reads both the "data/yaml/reactions.yaml" and the "config/settings.yaml" files.
Feel free to customize the settings file. Make sure to add a valid token value to run the bot.
# config/settings.yaml
local_log: false # save each and every message in a log file. Make sure the path "logs/messages.log" is valid when enabled
reset_on_load: false # whether or not the database should reset every time the bot launches. USE CAREFULLY
channel_group_id: -100 # id of the group associated with the channel. Required if comments are enabled
channel_id: -200 # id of the channel to which the bot will send the approved memes
channel_tag: "@channel" # tag of the channel to which the bot will send the approved memes
comments: true # whether or not the channel the bot will send the memes to has comments enabled
group_id: -300 # id of the admin group the memebot will use
n_votes: 2 # votes needed to approve/reject a pending post
remove_after_h: 12 # number of hours after wich pending posts will be automatically by /clean_pending
report_wait_mins: 30 # number of minutes the user has to wait before being able to report another user again
report: true # whether to add a report button as an inline keyboard after each post
false # whether or not the bot should tag the admins or just write their usernames
# whether the bot should delete any anonym comment coming from a channel.
# The bots must have delete permission in the group and comments must be enabled
# whether the bot should replace any anonymous comment with a message by itself.
# WARNING: delete_anonymous_comments must be true for this option to make sense.
# Otherwise the comment would be doubled.
# The bots must have delete permission in the group and comments must be enabled
replace_anonymous_comments: false
api_hash: XXXXXXXXXXX # hash of the telegram app used for testing
api_id: 123456 # id of the telegram app used for testing
remote: false # whether you want to test the remote database, the local one or both
session: XXXXXXXXXXXX # session of the telegram app used for testing
bot_tag: "@test_bot" # tag of the telegram bot used for testing. Include the '@' character
token: xxxxxxxxxxxx # token for the telegram bot used for testing
#... all the tags above. They will be overwritten when testing
token: xxxxxxxxxxxx # token of the telegram bot
bot_tag: "@bot" # tag of the telegram bot
The settings may also be set through environment variables.
All the env vars with the same name (case insensitive) will override the ones in the settings file.
To update the meme settings, prefix the env var name with MEME_. The same is true for the test settings, which have to be prefixed with TEST_ and the debug settings, to be prefixed with DEBUG_.
# Environment values
TOKEN=xxxxxx # will override the *token* value found in settings.yaml
MEME_N_VOTES=4 # will override the *meme.n_votes* value found in settings.yaml
DEBUG_LOCAL_LOG=4 # will override the *debug.local_log* value found in settings.yaml
The complete order of precedence for the application of configuration settings is
env var > settings.yaml > settings.yaml.default
Since every setting has a default value specified in settings.yaml.default except for token, this is the only necessary setting to add when setting up the bot for the first time.
Typings are provided by default for eny value specified through the .yaml files.
On the other hand, if you use the environment variables, everything will be treated as a string.
To prevent this, you can use the settings.yaml.types specifying a type for each setting.
This way it will be casted in the specified type.
Supported types:
- bool
- int
- float
- list (of str)
Any unknown type won't be casted. This means that env var will remain strings.
# settings.yaml.types
local_log: bool
reset_on_load: bool
channel_group_id: int
channel_id: int
channel_tag: str
comments: bool
group_id: int
n_votes: int
remove_after_h: int
tag: bool
report: bool
report_wait_mins: int
replace_anonymous_comments: bool
delete_anonymous_comments: bool
api_hash: str
api_id: int
session: str
bot_tag: str
token: str
token: str
bot_tag: str
Listed in requirements_dev.txt
- Run
pytest tests/unit
to run the unit tests - Run
pytest tests/e2e
to run the e2e tests (this requires test configurations)
Check the gh-pages branch