Carter Games Asset Conflict Fixes (1.1.7)
ℹ️ Fixed conflicting assembly definitions between our other assets.
🗓️ Release Date: 3rd August 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the common code used between assets used the same assembly definition, causing a conflict where two or more assets used the same definition.
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where the ScriptableRef.cs & FileEditorUtil.cs classes would override each other between assets due to GUID shenanigans.
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where the ScriptableRef referencing setup would fail to get the right UtilEditor.cs class for its base path when two assets the use the system where in the project due to an incorrect for loop escape in the editor code in FileEditorUtil.cs.
- Corrected assembly names & root namespaces for the asset.