Add-on package to the 'MCnebula2' package for illustrative analysis and mapping.
Please install package of MCnebula2 first:
In general, the following code will install the dependent or imported packages as well as the exMCnebula2 package:
If you do not want to download the additional files ('inst/extdata/*') and just want to use the functions in the package, install them using the following code:
remotes::install_github("Cao-lab-zcmu/exMCnebula2", "light")
However, packages that do not exist in CRAN but exist in Bioconductor may not be installed automatically, in which case they may need to be installed first:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install(c("BiocParallel", "FELLA"))
Load the packages:
The scripts or pdf documents or figures were as following:
dir <- system.file("inst", "extdata", "scripts_evaluation", package = "exMCnebula2")
list.files(dir, recursive = T)
# [1] "eucommia_workflow/eucommia_workflow.R" "eucommia_workflow/report.pdf"
# [3] "evaluation_workflow/evaluation_workflow.R" "evaluation_workflow/report.pdf"
# [5] "mcn_principle/a_elements.R" "mcn_principle/b_gather.R"
# [7] "mcn_principle/figure_mech.pdf" "mcn_structure/a_project.R"
# [9] "mcn_structure/b_mcn_dataset.R" "mcn_structure/c_nebulae.R"
# [11] "mcn_structure/d_across.R" "mcn_structure/data_stream.pdf"
# [13] "serum_workflow/report.pdf" "serum_workflow/serum_workflow.R"
For evaluation of MCnebula:
envir <- new.env()
## It may be time-consumed. The output files would be saved in `tempdir()`
source(paste0(dir, "/evaluation_workflow/evaluation_workflow.R"), local = envir)
For analysis of herbal dataset (E. ulmoides):
envir <- new.env()
source(paste0(dir, "/eucommia_workflow/eucommia_workflow.R"), local = envir)
For analysis of serum dataset:
envir <- new.env()
source(paste0(dir, "/serum_workflow/serum_workflow.R"), local = envir)
For drawing 'figure_mech.pdf':
envir <- new.env()
lapply(c("a_elements.R", "b_gather.R"),
function(script) {
source(paste0(dir, "/mcn_principle/", script), local = envir)
For drawing 'data_stream.pdf':
envir <- new.env()
lapply(c("a_project.R", "b_mcn_dataset.R", "c_nebulae.R", "d_across.R"),
function(script) {
source(paste0(dir, "/mcn_structure/", script), local = envir)
The codes of these scripts were run successfully in:
# sysname
# "Linux"
# release
# "5.17.15-76051715-generic"
# version
# "#202206141358~1655919116~22.04~1db9e34 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 22 19"
# nodename
# "pop-os"
# machine
# "x86_64"
# login
# "echo"
# user
# "echo"
# effective_user
# "echo"