this extesion will trigger Unity to compile when saved a file in VS Code.
Install this package to your projcet [Not yet]
Place CLz_AutoCompile under Editor
In VsCode-Extensions-upper right corner-install with .VSIX here
You have to force compile once before the auto-compilation works
If there is errors in Unity the auto compilation will stop
Unity Force Compile: unity-auto-compile.compile Toggle Unity Compilation :unity-auto-compile.toggle
Unity will host a HTTP listener,Code will send a GET request to unity when a file is saved,then Unity will call assetDatabase.Refresh()
Inspried by baba-s's project
Extension will auto activate when there is a folder named "ProjectSettings" in workspace,or you can run Unity Force Compile
once to activate it.
"unity-auto-compile.port": "10245",//the HTTP port between unity and vscode