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David Shorthouse edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 7 revisions

Dates and partial dates are processed using the JSR-310 library. This basic processor will only parse dates where an exact result (no ambiguity) can be found. The processor will return the date as 3 separate fields to handle partial dates.

Note : For dates that only contain numbers, those 3 separators are supported : dash(-), slash(/) and dot(.).

##Supported Gregorian big-endian(Year-Month-Day) including some ISO 8601

  • 1987-06-03 (1987-6-3)
  • 1987-06 (1987-6)
  • 1987
  • 19870603 (zeros are mandatory here)
  • 1987 Jun 03 (1987 Jun 3)

##Supported Gregorian little-endian(Day-Month-Year)

  • 3 Jun 1987 (03 Jun 1987)
  • 31-12-2012*
  • 31-XII-2012 (month as Roman numerals)

##Supported Middle-endian(Month-Day-Year)

  • Jun 3 1987 (Jun 03 1987)
  • 12-31-2012*

##Other supported date format:

  • Jun 1987
  • Jun

* If it's not possible to clearly identify the day and the month (like 11-10-2012) the date will not be parsed.

##Usage Here is a very basic example using the mock object MockRawOccurrenceModel and MockOccurrenceModel.

//initialize the processor with the matching field name inside the model.
//eventStartYear,eventStartMonth,eventStartDay are Integer
AbstractDataProcessor dateProcessor = new DateProcessor("eventDate", "eventStartYear", "eventStartMonth", "eventStartDay");
MockRawOccurrenceModel mockRawModel = new MockRawOccurrenceModel();
MockOccurrenceModel mockModel = new MockOccurrenceModel();
//Set the date as string
dateProcessor.processBean(mockRawModel, mockModel, null, null);

System.out.print(mockModel.getEventStartYear() + ",");
System.out.print(mockModel.getEventStartMonth() + ",");

//prints: 2010,6,30

Another basic example using the ProcessingResult

//set an invalid date
ProcessingResult pr = new ProcessingResult();
dateProcessor.processBean(mockRawModel, mockModel, null, pr);
//prints: The date [2010-30-30] could not be processed.

Another basic example using a partial date

mockRawModel.setEventDate("Jun 2009");
dateProcessor.processBean(mockRawModel, mockModel, null, null);

System.out.print(mockModel.getEventStartYear() + ",");
System.out.print(mockModel.getEventStartMonth() + ",");

//prints: 2009,6,null

#DateIntervalProcessor Considering the number of different ways to write a date, the current implementation of DateIntervalProcessor is simplified and may not be suitable in all scenarios. Date intervals are processed using an algorithm based on the symmetry of a block of text. It checks for identical punctuation on both sides of a unique divider. e.g. 1977-08-16/1977-08-20 has 2 dashes (-) on either side of a unique slash (/). The resultant start and end dates should not be considered valid but more like date candidates within the provided text.

Partial dates or interval with notation like 2004-12-02/05 are not yet supported. ##Usage

AbstractDataProcessor dateIntervalProcessor = new DateIntervalProcessor("eventDate", "eventStartDate", "eventEndDate");
MockRawOccurrenceModel mockRawModel = new MockRawOccurrenceModel();
MockOccurrenceModel mockModel = new MockOccurrenceModel();
dateIntervalProcessor.processBean(mockRawModel, mockModel, null, null);
//prints: 1977-08-16,1977-08-20
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