This plugin extends the capabilities of the menu plugin by adding pagination support.
It provides functions to create paginated menus, handle page changes, and display data in various formats.
Function createPagination is main core of pagination on menu. There we are define how all have to work.
...options | type | description | default |
allowBackToMenu | boolean | Determines whether the user can go back to an previous menu | true |
displayType | string | Determines how the data is to be displayed, ("text" or "buttons") | "text" |
schema | string | Schema how pagination is to be displayed | "default" |
staticData | NestedObject | Static data on which pagination is to work | undefined |
dynamicDataFn | function(page) | Function from which the data are taken on which pagination is to work | undefined |
displayDataFn | function(data, index) | Function by which we define how the data are to be displayed | undefined |
buttonFn | function(ctx, data) | Function to be executed when the button is pressed (only for displayType "buttons") | undefined |
Static data
import { Bot, session } from "grammy";
import { Menu } from "@grammyjs/menu";
import {
} from "@grammyjs/menu-pagination";
const bot = new Bot("");
initial() {
return {};
const someMenu = new Menu("some-menu");
const myData = [
{ name: "John", dsc: "CEO" },
{ name: "Kendrick", dsc: "Devops" },
name: "Leo",
dsc: "HR Agent",
const elementsPerPage = 2;
const parsedData = parseArrayIntoObjects(myData, elementsPerPage);
someMenu.dynamic(async (ctx, range) => {
await createPagination(range, ctx, {
allowBackToMenu: false,
displayType: "buttons",
staticData: parsedData,
displayDataFn: (data) => {
return `${}, ${data.dsc}`;
buttonFn: async (ctx, data) => {
await ctx.reply(
`Hello! My name is ${}, I'am ${data.dsc}`,
bot.command("pagination", (ctx) => {
ctx.reply("Check this crazy pagination!", { reply_markup: someMenu });
You can find more examples and documentation on the plugin page on the website.
- Add a middleware that extends ctx with ctx.replyWithPagination, so that you can display the first page of pagination without developer integration ( only for displayType "text")
- Add more advanced(optimized) logic for memoization dynamicData
- Add "numbers" schema
- Add debug's with
- Add session cleanup if pagination is not used