- 加州理工 cs156 - Introduction to Machine Learning - Yaser Abu-Mostafa
- 斯坦福 cs229 - Machine Learning - Andrew Ng.
- 斯坦福 ee364a - Convex Optimization - Stephen P. Boyd
- 斯坦福 ee364b - Convex Optimization - Stephen P. Boyd
编程工具大指南: https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning
台湾国立大学 Machine Learning and having it deep and structured 李宏毅
e-Lab coursa - Deep Learning Course - Eugenio Culurciello
斯坦福 cs231n - Convolutional Neural Networks - 李飞飞
e-Lab coursa - Artificial and robotic vision - Eugenio Culurciello
杜克 coursa - Digital Image procesing - Alireza Saberi
斯坦福 coursa - Probabilistic Graphical Models - Daphne Koller
- 编程工具大指南: https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning
- RNN: https://github.com/kjw0612/awesome-rnn
- Deep-Vision: https://github.com/kjw0612/awesome-deep-vision
- 斯坦福 cs224d - Deep learning for Natural Language Processing - Richard Socher
- 伯克利 cs188 - Artifical Intelligence - Dan Klein, Pieter Abbeel
- OpenAI: https://openai.com/