HiveLink is an all-in-one platform for seamless smart home experiences. With HiveLink, you can effortlessly purchase, manage, and schedule installation services for a wide range of smart home devices.
The platform is implemented as a full MERN stack monorepo with containerized packages for each service. The services are as follows:
- HiveLink
- HiveLink-Web Client facing web interface with token based authentication. Built with React JS.
- HiveLink-Server API server for managing user accounts and authentication. Built with Node JS and the Express framework.
- HiveLink-Common Shared code between the web and server packages. Contains Prisma ORM model typings, input validation schemas, and other utility functions.
- HiveLink-Broker MQTT Message broker for routing messages between devices. Built with Node JS using the Aedes(mosca) framework, and utilizes redis for message persistence.
- HiveLink-Database MySQL database for storing user account information and device configurations. Built with MySQL and the Prisma ORM.