v01-07: I have a projekt where I need to do a To Do list on razor pages, the web needs to have a functional create, read, update and delete tasks and try to add some improvements.
v07-1: I need to improve the website with a login system and a DB with relationer.
- DevelopV0.1: Create ToDo projekt and add Domain, Service and DB. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.2: Add tables and StoredProcedures to DB. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.3: Add methods and prop to the right classes and interfaces on Domain and Service Layer. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.4: Add Show, New,Update and delete tasks. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.5: Design one page where Completed Tasks shows. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.6: CompletedTasks page are functional and I have add some features like Delete All, etc.. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.7: Sorting function and improve user experience. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.8: Add Login Methods And improve DB to 3 tables and a many-to-many relation. [✔️]
- DevelopV0.9: Shows private tasks and login works. [✔️]
- DevelopV1.0: Add Task to User and almost all website works. [✔️]
-New Task: Can create a new task.
-Save: Saves the checkbox.
-Edit: Can update one task.
-Delete: Delete the task you have click on.
-Completed Task: Shows all the completed task and give option for delete all.
-Login : You can register and log in with username and password, and se your tasks.
- [v0.1]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.1
- [v0.2]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.2
- [v0.3]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.3
- [v0.4]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.4
- [v0.5]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.5
- [V0.6]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/DevelopV0.6
- [V0.7]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.7
- [V0.8]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/Develop0.8
- [V0.9]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/DevelopV0.9
- [V1.0]https://github.com/Cabuxito/ToDo/tree/DevelopV1 - Current Version
Github - Here is my branches and what it happens in every update.
v0.1: I have create the projekt, think about the structure and incorporate like DataBase, Domain and Service layer.
v0.2: After the structure was in place, my next move was to have my DataBase working so I did add one table and some storedProcedure.
v0.3: The next I was thinking is to add some properties to my classes and methods to my connections and interfaces in both layers.
v0.4: Now we have to see some visual and test my methods, so I did add some pages like create and update, and have modify Index page to my ShowList(Start) page.
v0.5: I did design my Completed Task page, the function the page have is to show all completed task and some buttons like "Delete All", Checkbox "Not Completed".
v0.6: The new page are functional and I did make some improvements on the Completed Page, and try to cover all bugs.
v0.7: Add the sorting function by priority and make some features to improve the user experience and security.
v0.8 I did add user and login methods and change the DB to 3 tables a many-to-many relation.
v0.9 Show private tasks and logins works better than I spected.
v1.0 Button Add task to User works and almost all website works... SHOOT ME!
- Pages as a pop-up window.
- Sort by name, dato.
- Login System. [✔️]
- Web Design
- Improve login System