Code based on Midas and Rome for CYGNUS Data Acquisition
mkdir results ./cyganalyzer.exe -i offlineConfig.xml -r 000029 -m offline -p 0
- where -r should correspond to a file run00029.mid.gz in the input directory)
- the input directory is for now hardcoded in offlineConfig.xml (...)
- the output will be in results/DataTree000029.root, and a TH2F (for the camera) and TGraph (for the PMT) will be saved as branch in the Tree
./ ~/Work/cygnus/daq/analyzer/results/DataTree00070.root [--max-entries=10] --outdir results
./ ~/Work/cygnus/daq/analyzer/results/DataTree00070.root [--max-entries=10] --outdir results
- it saves a root/hdf5 file for each run