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middle software tools to handle cygno data, repository, images, ecc.

  1. install
  2. Command line tools
  3. Library functions

install the CYGNO library:

full requirements:


      pip install git+ -U



tool to operate on CYGNO backet in S3 exeperiment repository


before run the script crate the iam token:

  eval `oidc-agent`
  oidc-gen --flow device --dae infncloud-iam (to generate) 
  oidc-token infncloud-iam (to see your active token)

or refresh the token

  eval `oidc-agent`
  oidc-gen --reauthenticate --flow device infncloud-iam (if you alrady have the token)

you can also add in your bash (or equivalent) profile

echo "CLOUD storage setup: infncloud-iam"
export REFRESH_TOKEN="xxx"
export IAM_CLIENT_SECRET="yyy"
export IAM_CLIENT_ID="zzz"
export IAM_SERVER=
unset OIDC_SOCK; unset OIDCD_PID; eval `oidc-keychain`
oidc-gen --client-id $IAM_CLIENT_ID --client-secret $IAM_CLIENT_SECRET --rt $REFRESH_TOKEN --manual --issuer $IAM_SERVER --pw-cmd="echo pwd" --redirect-uri=" 

http://localhost:34429 http://localhost:8080 http://localhost:4242" --scope "iam openid email profile offline_access" infncloud-iam

to get setup info, type:

oidc-gen -p infncloud-iam


Usage: cygno_repo	 [-tsv] [ls backet]
			 [put backet filename]
			 [[get backet filein] fileout]
			 [rm backet fileneme]

  -h, --help            	show this help message and exit
  -t TAG, --tag=TAG     	tag where dir for data;
  -s SESSION, --session=SESSION	token profile [infncloud-iam];
  -v, --verbose         	verbose output;


  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo ls cygno-sim -t test
  2021-10-17 10:03:21  test/
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo put cygno-sim -t test
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo ls cygno-sim -t test
  2021-10-26 16:36:03  test/
  2021-10-17 10:03:21  test/
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo get cygno-sim -t test
  downloading file of 5.82 Kb...
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo ls cygno-sim -t test
  2021-10-26 16:36:03  test/
  2021-10-17 10:03:21  test/
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo rm cygno-sim -t test
  removing file of 5.82 Kb...
  removed file:
  Giovannis-MacBook-Air-2:script mazzitel$ cygno_repo ls cygno-sim -t test
  2021-10-17 10:03:21  test/

Data are also shared in CYGNO CLOUD resources via the CYGNO application: (jupyter notebook, python, root and terminal use dodasts/cygno-jupyter:v2.1 image) and availeble via web broser


tool to show SQL runs infromation stored in the logbook

Usage: cygno_runs        [-jsetv] run number

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j, --json            json output;
  -g, --google          old google sheet;
  -t TAG, --tag=TAG     tag [lngs](lnf/man)]
  -s START_RUN, --start_run=START_RUN
                        start run [0]
  -e END_RUN, --end_run=END_RUN
                        end run [100000000]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output;


cygno_runs 368 -j (retrive data for run 368 from lngs db in json format)
cygno_runs -s 368 -e 388 -t man (dump info from run 268 to run 388 for mango data in text formt)

HTTP access


convert HIS HoKaWo output file in CYGNO root histograms data files

Usage: cygno_his2root	 [-d] DIRECTORY

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d, --delete   delete HIS file after conversion;
  -v, --verbose  verbose output;


convert MIDAS output file in CYGNO root histograms data files. Required:

pip install ''


Usage: cygno_mid2root	 <RUN number>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path=PATH  path to file or cache directory
  -v, --verbose         verbose output;

CYGNO library functions


  • 1.0.7 open_mid(run, path='/tmp/', cloud=True, tag='LNGS', verbose=False): open/cache MIDAS form cloud in path, return poiner to file (see example)
  • 1.0.7 daq_cam2array(bank, verbose=False): decode daq equipment CAM, return image (2D array) shape_x_image (int), shape_y_image (int)
  • (obsolete) daq_dgz2header(bank, verbose=False): decode daq equipment header DGZ, return number_events (int), number_channels (int), number_samples (int)
  • 1.0.9 daq_dgz_full2header(bank, verbose=False): decode full daq equipment header DGZ, return number_events, number_channels, number_samples, vertical_resulution, sampling_rate (offset and TTT are not returned up to now)
  • (obsolete) daq_dgz2array(bank, header, verbose=False): decode daq equipment data DGZ, return waveform array of #number_channels * #number_samples dimesion
  • 1.0.9 daq_dgz_full2array(bank, header, verbose=False): decode fast an slow daq equipment data DGZ, return waveform_f, waveform_s
  • 1.0.8 daq_slow2array(bank, verbose=False): decode daq equipment INPUT
  • 1.0.11 dgtz_header new class for the dgtz header variables. It has array-like indexing to preserve retro compatibility
  • 1.0.11 daq_dgz_full2header(bank, verbose=False) updated, it returns now the header class with: number_events, number_channels, number_samples, vertical_resulution, sampling_rate, channels_offset, channels_ttt, channels_SIC
  • 1.0.11 daq_dgz_full2array(bank, header, verbose=False, corrected=True, ch_offset=[]) now includes the possibillity of correcting fast DGZ waveforms if they are acquired without the DRS4 Correction. Only the first 8 channels can be corrected up to now.

Storage and SQL

  • 1.0.8 daq_sql_cennection(verbose=False): return SQL connection
  • 1.0.8 daq_update_runlog_replica_checksum(connection, run_number, md5sum, verbose=False): return run checksum
  • 1.0.8 daq_update_runlog_replica_tag(connection, run_number, TAG, verbose=False): return run tag
  • 1.0.8 daq_update_runlog_replica_size(connection, run_number, size, verbose=False): return run size
  • 1.0.8 daq_update_runlog_replica_status(connection, run_number, storage, status=-1, verbose=False): update run replica status
  • 1.0.8 daq_read_runlog_replica_status(connection, run_number, storage, verbose=False): return run replica status
  • 1.0.8 daq_not_on_tape_runs(connection, verbose=False): return array of file not on tape
  • 1.0.8 daq_run_info(connection, run, verbose=False): return run info

old api before midas raw data

  • open_root(run, path='/tmp/', cloud=True, tag='LAB', verbose=False) open/cache ROOT form cloud in path class cfile:
		def __init__(self, file, pic, wfm, max_pic, max_wfm, x_resolution, y_resolution):
			self.file         = file
			self.pic          = pic 
			self.wfm          = wfm
			self.max_pic      = max_pic
			self.max_wfm      = max_wfm
			self.x_resolution = x_resolution
			self.y_resolution = y_resolution 
  • open_(run, tag='LAB', posix=False, verbose=True) - open cygno ROOT/MID file from remote or on cloud posix like access and return cfile class type
  • read_(f, iTr) - return image array from file poiter
  • pic_(cfile, iTr=0) - return immage array of track iTr from cfile
  • wfm_(cfile, iTr=0, iWf=0) - return amplitude and time of iTr track and iWr waveform from cfile
  • ped_(run, path='./ped/', tag = 'LAB', posix=False, min_image_to_read = 0, max_image_to_read = 0, verbose=False) - cerate (if not exist) root file image of mean and sigma for each pixel and return main and sigma imege of pedestal runs


  • 1.0.2 read_cygno_logbook(sql=True, tag='lngs', start_run=0, end_run=100000000, verbose=False):ruturn pandas db old google sheet logbook info
  • 1.0.2 run_info_logbook(run, tag='lngs', sql=True, verbose=False):return pandas db google/sql run [int] info

s3 repo

  • 1.0.1 s3.root_file(run, tag='LAB', posix=False, verbose=False): read root file from s3 CYGNO baket
  • 1.0.1 s3.backet_list(tag, bucket='cygno-sim', session="infncloud-iam", verbose=False): list file from s3 CYGNO baket
  • 1.0.1 s3.obj_put(filename, tag, bucket='cygno-sim', session="infncloud-iam", verbose=False): put file in s3 CYGNO baket
  • 1.0.1 s3.obj_get(filein, fileout, tag, bucket='cygno-sim', session="infncloud-iam", verbose=False): get file from s3 CYGNO baket
  • 1.0.1 s3.obj_rm(filename, tag, bucket='cygno-sim', session="infncloud-iam", verbose=False): remouve file from s3 CYGNO baket

images and PMT tools

  • cluster_par(xc, yc, image): return intesity and dimestion
  • n_std_rectangle(x, y, ax, image = np.array([]), n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', kwargs): return rettagle confindece level image
  • confidence_ellipse(x, y, ax, image = np.array([]), n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', kwargs): return ellips confidence level image
  • confidence_ellipse_par(x, y, image = np.array([]), n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', kwargs): return quantity width, height, pearson, sum, size in the confidence ellips
  • cluster_elips(points): return points_3d
  • rebin(a, shape): return rebined shape
  • smooth(y, box_pts): return smooted array of box_pts dimesion
  • img_proj(img, vmin, vmax, log=False): retrun plot of image projection
  • 1.0.9 get_pmt_w_by_triggers(waveform, header, number_of_w_readed, trigger) return array of pmt data 0 to number_of_w_readed for a given trigger (int)
  • 1.0.11 correct_waveforms(wfs_in, SIC, nChannels=32, path='./', to_correct=list(range(8))): DSR4 Correction for the fast dgtz. Only the first 8 channels can be corrected for now, returns the waveforms corrected wfs
  • 1.0.11 PeakCorrection(wfs_in, Nch = 8): helper for the correct_waveforms function, returns the waveforms peak-corrected wfsa

NB usefull and primitive UNIX and SQL function are available in the library


Repository with common tools for CYGNO






No packages published
