The source code of my website, created to expose all informations about my musical world (podcasts, releases, infos like gigs, videos...) is available on github as a demonstration of an application developed with Typescript + React Remix + Tailwind CSS. The website is now online and works with my profilart application for data provision.
- Typescript 4.9.4
- React 18.2.0
- React Remix 1.9.0
- Tailwind CSS 3.2.4
- Framer Motion 8.1.3
- GraphQL Apollo Client 2.34.0
- React Hook Form 7.41.3
- Superstruct 1.0.3
- Mapbox GL 2.11.1
Application is based on atomic design architecture. Each component is designed with a (very) fine granularity to be reusable and match with SOLID principles (single responsibility, closed to modifications / open to extension, dependencies inversions principle...).
Application is also based on presentational/container design pattern. Each view is separated from logic (API calls, interactions with contexts, with audio player, etc...).
Almost every component is "home-made", even the carousel.
Application is based on React Remix, a very innovative React-based SSR framework.
A particular focus is constantly made on performance, SEO and good practices as well.
- Set up some E2E tests
- A web radio project :)
- A collective music art project :)