This is our project for the summer 2024 intership at RMBL. We are working with drone images of snow taken from 12 sites near Gothic, Colorado. The goal of the project is to develop a model that can perform image semantic segmentation on the images to mask where the snow is in the image. The goal of the project is to achieve a higher than 95% accuracy on the test set. We will also be making the model be abe to port to other datasets from other sites. It will also need to be used on future data from the same sites.
- Snow cycle near Gothic, CO and different areas
- Info of the location and surrounding area
- Other sites info
- Location of the dataset
- Pre-processing steps
- Data cleaning steps
- How balanced is the dataset
- How to split the dataset
- are there any bad images/masks
- how to quantify the results
- RF
- Auto Encoder
Results of the models
Are there any better pre-trained models we should use or should we train our own?
- Analyze Iteration 2 results
- Create Plan for model
- Create resources requirments
- Create responsibility plan
- Create protocols
- Diagram the model
- Code and document
- Tune:
- Hyperparameters and other parameters
- Structure
- Pre-processing
- Visualize and store results
- Overview final presentation
- Write documentation draft/submission
- Finalize code
- Submit