The hive communicates with a waggle.
First, install Go. The easiest way to do this on Ubuntu is through snap
sudo snap install go --classic
Download Waggle into your home directory with
cd && git clone [email protected]:CU-Robotics/waggle.git
cd && git clone
Go into the Waggle directory
cd waggle
Build the Waggle binary
go build
Run the run script
Pull the new code
git pull
Build the new waggle binary
go build
In addition to Go, you need to install node. This is easiest with nvm
cd && curl -o- | bash
Then install Node 20
nvm install 20
Set Node 20 as the default
nvm use 20
Install all node dependencies
cd ~/waggle/client && npm install
Now, whenever you make a change to Go code, run
go build
And whenever you make a change to the client code, run the following from inside the client/
npm run build