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Final draft for the epan working child API
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Luis Ontanon committed Jun 14, 2013
1 parent dd7b71e commit c5d092e
Showing 1 changed file with 267 additions and 58 deletions.
325 changes: 267 additions & 58 deletions epan_child.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,19 +25,264 @@
#ifndef __ECHLD_H
#define __ECHLD_H

typedef enum _echld_msg_type_t {
* You should take a look to doc/README.epan_child before reading this

/* message types */
typedef enum _echld_msg_type_t echld_msg_type_t;

/* error types */
typedef enum _echld_error echld_error_t;

/* return codes */
/* 0 is ok, everything else is ko, or timeout where applicable. */
typedef int echld_state_t;
#define ECHLD_OK 0
#define ECHLD_TIMEOUT -222

/* id for child working processes, a negative value is an error */
typedef int echld_chld_id_t;

/* id of requests, a negative value is an error */
typedef int echld_reqh_id_t;

/* id of message handlers, a negative value is an error */
typedef int echld_msgh_id_t;

/* sets the codec set by name */
typedef enum _echld_encoding {
} echld_encoding_t;

typedef int echld_bool_t;

/* typedef for a GByteArray so that glib.h is not required in the client */
typedef struct GByteArray bytearray_t;

/* typedef for a GByteArray so that sys/time.h is not required in the client */
typedef struct timeval tv_t;

/* will initialize epan registering protocols and taps */
echld_state_t echld_initialize(echld_encoding_t);

/* cleans up (?) echld and kills the server process(es) */
echld_state_t echld_terminate(void);

* returning ECHLD_NO_ERROR means there has being no error
* errstr_ptr is a ptr to the error message string, will give NULL if no error
* usable only after the last API call, doesn't have to be freed.
* for managing asyncronous errors use a msgh for ECHLD_ERROR
* the response cb of reqh might be a ECHLD_ERROR message
echld_error_t echld_get_error(const char** errstr_ptr);

* Children Management Operations

/* create a new worker process */
echld_chld_id_t echld_new(void* child_data);

/* will return NULL on error, if NULL is also ok for you use echld_get_error() */
void* echld_get_data(echld_chld_id_t);

echld_state_t echld_set_data(echld_chld_id_t, void* child_data);

/* for each child call cb(id,child_data,cb_data) */
typedef echld_bool_t (*echld_iter_cb_t)(echld_chld_id_t, void* child_data, void* cb_data);
void echld_foreach_child(echld_iter_cb_t cb, void* cb_data);

* prototype of message callbacks passed to echld_reqh() and echld_msgh()
* type: for reqh it might be ECHLD_ERROR, ECHLD_TIMEOUT or what you expect,
* in msgh it's always the message for which it was set
* msg_buff: the encoded message
* cb_data: arbitrary data passed by the user in echld_reqh() or echld_msgh()
* returns TRUE if other potential handlers are to be run, false otherwise
typedef echld_bool_t (*echld_msg_cb_t)(echld_msg_type_t type, bytearray_t* msg_buff, void* cb_data);

* encoders
* the returned bytearray will be destroyed internally by the req handler
* the resulting bytearray can be used just once in a reqh.

bytearray_t* echld_encode_close_child(int mode);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_set_param(const char* param, const char* value);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_chdir(char* new_dir);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_list_files(const char* glob);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_open_file(const char* filename);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_open_interface(const char* intf_name, const char* params);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_get_packets(const char* range);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_add_note(int packet_number, const char* note);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_apply_filter(const char* filter);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_set_filter(const char* filter);
bytearray_t* echld_encode_save_file(const char* filename, const char* params);

* decoder
* it returns an allocated string with the decoded response of the message, you free it.
* it destroys the bytearray_t as well.
char* echld_decode(echld_msg_type_t, bytearray_t*);

* Request Handlers

/* send a request with an optional response handler
* ba is a bytearray_t that contains the encoded message
* resp_cb is the callback and cb_data the data it is going to be passed if executed
* returns the reqh id */
echld_reqh_id_t echld_reqh(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msg_type_t, bytearray_t*, echld_msg_cb_t, void*);

/* get callback data for a live request */
void* echld_reqh_get_data(echld_chld_id_t, echld_reqh_id_t);

/* get the callback for a live request */
echld_msg_cb_t echld_reqh_get_cb(echld_chld_id_t, echld_reqh_id_t);

/* set callback data for a live request */
echld_state_t echld_reqh_set_data(echld_chld_id_t, echld_reqh_id_t, void* );

/* get the callback for a live request */
echld_state_t echld_reqh_set_cb(echld_chld_id_t, echld_reqh_id_t, echld_msg_cb_t);

/* stop receiving a live request */
echld_state_t echld_reqh_detach(echld_chld_id_t, echld_reqh_id_t);

* Message Handlers

/* start a message handler */
echld_msgh_id_t echld_msgh(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msg_type_t, echld_msg_cb_t resp_cb, void* msg_data);

/* stop it */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_detach(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msgh_id_t);

/* get a msgh's data */
void* echld_msgh_get_data(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msgh_id_t);

/* get a msgh's cb */
echld_msg_cb_t echld_msgh_get_cb(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msgh_id_t);

/* get a msgh's type */
echld_msg_type_t echld_msgh_get_type(echld_chld_id_t, echld_msgh_id_t);

/* get it all from a msgh */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_get_all(echld_chld_id_t, int msgh_id, echld_msg_type_t*, echld_msg_cb_t*, void**);

/* set a msgh's data */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_set_data(echld_chld_id_t, int msgh_id, void* );

/* set a msgh's cb */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_set_cb(echld_chld_id_t, int msgh_id, echld_msg_cb_t);

/* set a msgh's type */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_set_type(echld_chld_id_t, int msgh_id, echld_msg_type_t);

/* set all elements of a msgh */
echld_state_t echld_msgh_set_all(echld_chld_id_t, int msgh_id, echld_msg_type_t, echld_msg_cb_t, void*);

* "Simple" API
* these calls require you looping on echld_select() or calling echld_wait() until you get your answer.
* see bellow

typedef void (*echld_ping_cb_t)(int usec, void* data);
echld_state_t echld_ping(int child_id, echld_ping_cb_t cb, void* cb_data);

typedef void (*echld_list_interface_cb_t)(char* intf_name, char* params, void* cb_data);
echld_state_t echld_list_interfaces(int child_id, echld_list_interface_cb_t, void* cb_data);

typedef void (*echild_get_packet_summary_cb_t)(char* summary, void* data);
echld_state_t echld_open_file(int child_id, const char* filename,echild_get_packet_summary_cb_t,void*);

echld_state_t echld_open_interface(int child_id, const char* intf_name, const char* params);
echld_state_t echld_start_capture(int child_id, echild_get_packet_summary_cb_t);
echld_state_t echld_stop_capture(int child_id);

typedef void (*echild_get_packets_cb)(char* tree_text,void* data);
typedef void (*echild_get_buffer_cb)(char* buffer_text, void* data);
echld_state_t echld_get_packets_range(int child_id, const char* range, echild_get_packets_cb, echild_get_buffer_cb, void* data);

* Server routines

* waits until something gets done
* returns ECHLD_TIMEOUT or ECHLD_OK if something was done
echld_state_t echld_wait(tv_t* timeout);

to be used in place of select() in the main loop of the parent code
it will serve the children pipes and return as if select() was called.
int echld_select(int nfds, int* rfds, int* wfds, int* efds, tv_t* timeout);

/* or fit these two in your select loop */

/* returns nfds set */
int echld_fdset(int* rfds, int* efds);

int echld_fd_read(int* rfds, int* efds);


enum _echld_msg_type_t {
ECHLD_ERROR = 'E', /* Child <-> Parent */
ECHLD_TIMED_OUT='T', /* -> Parent Note the D in timeD out */

ECHLD_NEW_CHILD = '*', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_HELLO = '@', /* Child -> Parent */
ECHLD_CHILD_DEAD = '#', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_NOTIFY = '%', /* Parent <-> Child */

ECHLD_SET_PARAM = 'P', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_PARAM_SET = 'p', /* Parent <- Child */

ECHLD_PING = '>', /* Parent <-> Child */
ECHLD_PONG = '<', /* Parent <-> Child */

ECHLD_CLOSE_CHILD = 'Q', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_CLOSING = 'q', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_PWD = 'P', /* Parent -> Child : show dir */
ECHLD_CHDIR = 'D', /* Parent -> Child : change dir */
ECHLD_CWD = 'd', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_LIST_FILES = 'L', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_FILE_INFO = 'f', /* Parent -> Child */


ECHLD_OPEN_FILE = 'O', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_FILE_OPENED = 'o', /* Child -> Parent */

Expand All @@ -59,7 +304,7 @@ typedef enum _echld_msg_type_t {
ECHLD_PACKET_SUM = 's', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_GET_PACKETS = 'G', /* Parent -> Child */
ECHLD_PACKET = 'p', /* Child -> Parent */
ECHLD_PACKET = 't', /* Child -> Parent */
ECHLD_BUFFER = 'b', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_ADD_NOTE = 'N', /* Parent -> Child */
Expand All @@ -74,62 +319,26 @@ typedef enum _echld_msg_type_t {

ECHLD_EOF = 'z', /* Child -> Parent */

ECHLD_PING = '1', /* Parent <-> Child */
ECHLD_PONG = '2', /* Parent <-> Child */
} echld_msg_type_t;

int (*echld_msg_cb_t)(echld_msg_type_t type, GByteArray*, void* data);
int (*echld_iter_cb_t)(echld_t* c, void* data);

typedef struct _echld_child echld_t;
typedef struct _echld_external_codec echld_external_codec_t;

typedef int echld_msg_id_t;
typedef int echld_state_t;

/* gets a codec set by name */
echld_external_codec_t* echld_find_codec(const char* name);
#define ECHLD_CODEC_TEXT "text"
#define ECHLD_CODEC_XML "xml"
enum _echld_error {

/* will initialize epan registering protocols and taps */
echld_state_t echld_initialize(echld_external_codec_t*);

/* cleans up (?) echld and exits */
echld_state_t echld_terminate(void);

/* new worker process */
echld_t* echld_new(void* child_data);
void* echld_get_data(echld_t* c);
echld_state_t echld_set_data(echld_t* c, void* data);

/* send a message */
/* optional response handler */
/* */
echld_state_t echld_send_msg(echld_t* c, echld_msg_type_t, GByteArray*, echld_msg_cb_t resp_cb, void* cb_data);

/* start receiving a message type */
echld_msg_id_t echld_msg_attach(echld_t* c, echld_msg_type_t, echld_msg_cb_t resp_cb, void* msg_data);

/* stop receiving it */
echld_state_t echld_msg_detach(echld_t* c, echld_msg_id_t);

/* manage the receiver's info */
void* echld_get_attached_msg_hdl_data(echld_t* c, echld_msg_id_t);
echld_msg_cb_t echld_get_attached_msg_hdl_cb(echld_t* c, echld_msg_id_t);
echld_msg_type_t echld_get_attached_msg_hdl_type(echld_t* c, echld_msg_id_t);
gboolean echld_get_attached_msg_hdl(echld_t* c, echld_msg_id_t, echld_msg_type_t*, echld_msg_cb_t*);

/* iterate between childred */
echld_t** echld_parent_get_all_children();
echld_t* echld_parent_get_child(int id);
#define echld_foreach(C, cb, data) do {echld_t** c = (C); for(;*c;c++) (cb)(*c,(data)); } while(0)
#define echld_foreach_child(cb,data) echld_foreach(echld_parent_get_children(),(cb),(data))

to be used in place of select() in the main loop of the parent code
it will serve the children pipes and return as if select() was called.
int echld_select(int nfds, int* rfds, int* wfds, int* efds, struct timeval* timeout);


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