A Vue 3 plugin for drawing the DOM to canvas. Note: This package is usable but not complete. You may want to try CurtainsJS for a more full-featured plugin with a similar effect.
DOM elements:
- All text elements
- Images
- Video
- Inputs
- Buttons
CSS properties:
- Position
- Font size/color/family
- Background color
- Transitions
Vue.js 3.0 is required for this directive.
npm i canvas-everything
yarn add canvas-everything
In your main.js or main.ts file...
import { canvasEverything } from 'canvas-everything'
const app = createApp(App)
Then in your Vue component...
<h1 v-canvas> Hello World! </h1>
<img src="your-image.jpg" v-canvas>
That's it! Each element using the v-canvas
directive will be cloned to the main canvas.
By default, v-canvas
doesn't handle text wrapping or some other CSS properties (text-align: center
, for example). If your text isn't looking correct, try adding the format-text
<p v-canvas.format-text>Lorem ipsum dolor...</p>
This will create more accurate text rendering at the cost of some extra DOM manipulation. Note that .format-text
also prevents dynamic text from updating after its first render - you can either rerender by changing its key
or keep .format-text
on unchanging content.
A full list of available directive options with their defaults:
// Usage:
// <div v-canvas="{ /* any options from below */ }">...</div>
meta, // Object - default {} arbitrary key-value data
update, // Function - see Using Custom Update Functions below
z, // Number - default 0 - what z-index this should be drawn on on the canvas
// Available but usually handled internally:
element, // HTMLElement - default: the attached element. Usually left alone.
focus, // boolean - default whether the element is focused
hover, // boolean - default whether the element is hovered
image, // ImageData - only used if on an <img>
imageLoaded, // boolean - only used if on an <img>
isIntersecting, // boolean - whether the element is in view
rect, // DOMRect - the element's boundingClientRect
refresh, // Function - function to run when updating position & style
style, // CSSStyleDeclaration - the element's computed style
type, // CanvasEverything.Type - internal marker
uuid, // CanvasEverything.Uuid - internal identifier - not recommended to change
You can add your own custom rendering function as an option:
<h1 v-canvas="{ update: myCustomUpdate }">Custom Update</h1>
<script setup>
// update functions are of type CanvasEverything.CustomUpdateFunction
const myCustomUpdate = (options, x, y) => {
// options is an object of type CanvasEverything.OverrideOptions
const {
node, // object with same properties as the Options list above
ctx, // CanvasRenderingContext2D where content will be drawn
defaultUpdate, // call this function to run the default content render
} = options
// x and y are the top-left coordinates of where the DOM content would appear
// (your update here)
If you need to force the DOM elements to re-measure themselves, you can use the useRefresh
<script setup>
import { useRefresh } from 'canvas-everything'
const refresh = useRefresh()
// now you can call refresh whenever you need to update positioning
onMounted(() => refresh())