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Ready for merge, awaiting review
Feature 1: Friends. Deal with friend details management.
Feature 4: Groups. Dealing with group management.
Feature 5: Security. Dealing with security of application.
Feature 2: Time Slot. Dealing with time conflicts management.
Feature 3: Time Table. Dealing with time table management.
A flaw that affects most users and causes major problems for users. i.e., makes the product almost u
A flaw that is unlikely to affect normal operations of the product. Appears only in very rare situat
A flaw that causes occasional inconvenience to some users but they can continue to use the product.
The issue is currently being worked on. note: remove this label before closing an issue.
An enhancement to an existing story
A big feature which can be broken down into smaller stories e.g. search
Something that needs to be done, but not a story, bug, or an epic. e.g. Move testing code into a new
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