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trevorskaggs edited this page Sep 10, 2015
1 revision
- AOI List
- Description: Returns a JSON list of all AOIs for the requesting user, AOI list can be filtered based on the passing of a geom parameter as a selection area.
- Example: /api/export/?geom=POLYGON ((68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983, 68.8704389952918063 33.5955969812235011, 68.8724989318148033 33.5858732691386024, 68.9020246886466055 33.5853012519442018, 68.9068312072003977 33.5549789148388982, 68.9274305724316037 33.5589843621810999, 68.9274305724316037 33.5944530719840984, 68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983))
- AOI Details
- Description: Returns JSON formatted details for a given AOI based on a provided pk.
- Example: /api/export/100/
- Options:
- datatype: Used to filter the collects returned on the given type. Accepts 'pointcloud' or 'raster'. String. If not given collects with all types will be returned.
- Example: /api/export/100/?datatype=pointcloud
- AOI Add
- Description: Allows for creation of an AOI with the passing of name and geom parameters. Also allows for subscription to a new AOI by passing a subscribe parameter. Subscribe parameter can distinguish between True, False, T, F, 1, and 0. Default is false, but all other provided values will be assumed to be a value of True.
- Example: /api/export/add/?name=test&geom=POLYGON ((68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983, 68.8704389952918063 33.5955969812235011, 68.8724989318148033 33.5858732691386024, 68.9020246886466055 33.5853012519442018, 68.9068312072003977 33.5549789148388982, 68.9274305724316037 33.5589843621810999, 68.9274305724316037 33.5944530719840984, 68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983))&subscribe=True
- Export Details
- Description: Returns JSON formatted details for a given export based on a provided pk.
- Example: /api/export/export/100/
- Geoname Lookup
- Description: Allows for a geoname lookup based on a passed geom parameter
- Example: /api/export/geoname/?geom=POLYGON ((68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983, 68.8704389952918063 33.5955969812235011, 68.8724989318148033 33.5858732691386024, 68.9020246886466055 33.5853012519442018, 68.9068312072003977 33.5549789148388982, 68.9274305724316037 33.5589843621810999, 68.9274305724316037 33.5944530719840984, 68.9150709532930961 33.5950250284996983))
- Task Details
- Description: Returns a JSON version of the task status/details of a provided task_id
- Example: /api/export/task/bacb736e-e900-457c-9b24-fd409bc3019d/
- Pointcloud Export
- Description: Allows for initiation of pointcloud exports via an url call with a provided AOI pk and the pks of the collects to be included. Multiple collect pks can be used, if separated by a '+' or ','. Additional options may also be included. Options not passed will use default values for exporting.
- Example: /api/export/aoi/101/generate/pointcloud/?collects=100+102
- Options:
- hsrs: Accepts an EPSG code. Integer. Defaults to AOI SRS.
- intensity: Boolean. Defaults to True.
- dim_classification: Boolean. Defaults to True.
- file_export_options: Used to determine file merging strategy. Accepts 'individual', 'collect', and 'super'. String. Defaults to 'individual'
- compressed: Boolean. Defaults to True.
- send_email: Boolean. Defaults to False.
- generate_dem: Used to trigger a DEM from pointcloud export. Boolean. Defaults to False.
- cell_spacing: Used together with generate_dem. Float. Defaults to 1 with generate_dem otherwise defaults to None.
- pcl_terrain: Used to trigger a PMF Bare Earth export, accepts the terrain 'urban', 'suburban', 'mountainous', and 'foliated'. String. Defaults to None.
- sri_hres: Used to trigger a Sarnoff Bare Earth export, accepts the hres. Decimal. Defaults to None.
- Example: /api/export/aoi/101/generate/pointcloud/?collects=100+102&send_email=True&file_export_options=collect
- Raster Export
- Description: Allows for initiation of raster exports via an url call with a provided AOI pk and the pks of the collects to be included. Multiple collect pks can be used, if separated by a '+' or ','. Additional options may also be included. Options not passed will use default values for exporting.
- Example: /api/export/aoi/101/generate/raster/?collects=100+102
- Options:
- hsrs: Accepts an EPSG code. Integer. Defaults to AOI SRS.
- file_export_options: Used to determine file merging strategy. Accepts 'individual' and 'collect'. String. Defaults to 'individual'
- file_format_options: Used to determine file merging strategy. Accepts 'GTiff' and 'NITF'. String. Defaults to 'GTiff'
- compressed: Boolean. Defaults to True.
- send_email: Boolean. Defaults to False.
- Example: /api/export/aoi/101/generate/raster/?collects=100+102&send_email=True&file_export_options=collect