Simple Utility Node to filter a specified ROS TF transform
child_frame: raw observation of a reference frame ex: /ar_marker_8
parent_frame: frame in which the observation occurs. ex: /kinect2_link
This node will then publish a tf from parent_frame to child_frame_filtered. ex: /ar_marker_8_filtered
From command line:
rosrun filter_tf /ar_marker_8 /kinect2_link
In launch file:
<node pkg="filter_tf" type="" name="filter_tf_marker8_kinec2" args="/ar_marker_8 /kinect2_link"/>
This will now broadcast a transform from /kinect2_link to /ar_marker_8_filtered. This transform will continue to broadcast even if the raw transform becomes occluded. This transform will be updated via a moving average whenever a new observation of the raw transform occurs.