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Generating correlated disorder on hypercubic lattices

This is a general implementation of the Fourier Filter Method for generating correlated disorder on a hypercubic lattice. We provide all relevant functions in header-only c++ files that can be easily included in any existing code. An example file shows how to generate long-range power-law correlated disorder.

This implementation was used to produce the data in [1] for C(r)=(1-r^2)^{-a/2}. Consequently, long-range correlated disorder generated according to the respective function (see below) should show percolation thresholds and fractal dimensions according to [1]. However, we do not take responsibility for any deviations.

Authors: Johannes Zierenberg, Niklas Fricke, Martin Marenz, F. Paul Spitzner, Viktoria Blavatska and Wolfhard Janke

If you use parts of this code please cite [1].


  • C++11 compatible compiler (tested with GNU gcc)
  • FFTW3 installed (e.g. on debian 'sudo apt-get install libfftw3 libfftw3-dev')


The header-only functions need to be included in a c++ program. The following brief manual gives a rough idea of the steps

  1. Steps to generate a d-dimensional lattice of linear size L=2^l with long-range power-law correlated site variables:

    1. construct a Disorder object, e.g.

      Disorder myDisorder(d,l)  
    2. choose a correlation function:

      • init_correlation_power_law_euclidean(double a):
      C(r) = (1+|r|^2)^(-a/2); |r|=sqrt(\sum r_i^2)
      • init_correlation_power_law_manhattan(double a):
      C(r) = (1+|r|^2)^(-a/2); |r|=\sum r_i          
      • init_correlation_power_law_euclidean(double a, double alpha):
      C(r) = (1+|r|^{alpha})^(-a/alpha); euclidian 
      • init_correlation_custom(std::vector& Cx_)
      C(r) = custom
    3. if several disorder are required sequentially, then precompute the spectral density by calling

    4. each call to generate a correlated disorder yields two independent disordered lattices. Predefine lattices

      std::vector<double> lattice1(disorder.N,0.0);
      std::vector<double> lattice2(disorder.N,0.0);

      And generated them

      myDisorder.generate_correlated_continuous(lattice1, lattice2, seed);
  2. Steps to generate discrete lattices with p=density of non-defect sites:

    1. Repeat 1)
    2. Be aware that sigma2=C(0) and call
      discretize( lattice1, calc_theta_global(p,sigma2) );
      The lattice1 now holds the discretized lattice


For an example first build via


and then executed


The output can be compared to the data provided in


where we also provide a gnuplot file to generate the corresponding disorder illustrations. Again, we provide a Makefile to generate the figures via


File description


Wrapper arround fftw.


All functions needed to generated continuous variables on a hypercubic lattice correlated according to predefined and customized correlation functions.


Functions needed to map the continuous site variables to discrete ones. This also includes functions we used to measure the percolation threshold.


Example test program which produces the same files as provided in



[1] J. Zierenberg, N. Fricke, M. Marenz, F.P. Spitzner, V. Blavatska, and W. Janke, "Percolation thresholds and fractal dimensions for square and cubic lattices with long-range correlated defects", Phys. Rev. E 96, 062125 (2017).

[2] W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes 3rd edition: The Art of Scientific Computing (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007).


Generating correlated disorder on hypercubic lattices






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