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This is the CPSC 410 - Advanced Software Engineering group project.

How to run the example server visualization

If you are using a UNIX based OS, you can run the bash script that will set up the backend server, start up the frontend react server, and make some API calls to the backend endpoints to fill up the visualization. It may take >10s to set everything up for the first time. Just run the following command:


How to compile and run the language

Write the code in a file with a .dsl extension and place it in the src/main/java/cpsc/dlsproject directory. There are some example files in that directory for reference.

Then run the following command from the root directory of the project

mvn -DskipTests package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=cpsc.dlsproject.App -Dexec.args="<your-file-name>"

How to run the test http client

Run a server through a language snippet following the instructions above. Go to directory client/src and run the following command

node testclient.js


Below is the EBNF of the language.

Program ::= EndpointDeclaration*
EndpointDeclaration ::= RequestMethod STRING " {" (Statement)* Response "}"
RequestMethod ::= "GET" | "PUT" | "POST" | "DELETE"
Statement ::= Conditional | ValueDeclaration | Response ";"
Response ::= "SEND {" Number ";" String ";" "}"
Conditional ::= "IF (" Expression ") {" (Statement)* "} ELSE {" (Statement)* "}"
ValueDeclaration ::= ":" Type " = " Expression
Value::= String | Number | Boolean
Type ::= "String" | "Number" | "Boolean"
String ::= "\"" /^[a-z\d\-_\s]+$/i "\"";
Number ::= "^[0-9]+$"
Boolean ::= "true" | "false"
Expression ::= BinaryOperation | Value ";"
BinaryOperation ::= BinaryOperator "TO" Expression Expression
BinaryOperator ::=  "+" "-" "*" "/"
ReservedKeywords ::= RequestMethod & "SEND" & Type & "GET_PARAM"

Language Design Specification Changelist

1.0.0 - October 8th, 2019 (latest)

After the discussion to simplify the implementation, the following changes were proposed:

  • We now support prefix notation for BinaryOperation. A binary operation starts with an operator (+, -, *, /), followed by two Values seperated by the string "TO"
  • Variables will have to be declared with types. The variable name should be followed by a ":" and a type (currently only Number and Boolean are supported)
  • SEND response now takes in exactly two statements, Number; and String; and in that order.
GET "/conditionalTrue" {
    VAR a : Number = 1;
    VAR b : Number = 2;
    IF (< a TO b) {
      SEND {
        "something good";
    } ELSE {
      SEND {
        "something bad";

0.0.2 - October 2nd, 2019

After user testing, the following changes were made:

  • The THEN keyword will be omitted in the IF and ELSE conditions to maintain consistency with other languages
  • The = after GET and SEND keyword will be omitted due to redundancy
  • The ENDPOINT keyword will be omitted inside the body of an endpoint method, and the endpoint string will be specified right after the endpoint method keyword, such as GET or POST
GET "meaning/of/life" {
    // SOME LOGIC..
    IF (answer == 42) {
            SEND {
            "Found the meaning of life!";
    } ELSE {
        SEND {
            "Still searching";

0.0.1 - September 23th, 2019

  • VAL must be declared before being used.
  • Endpoint Declaration must declare the endpoint url in their body using the ENDPOINT keyword which is assigned to a value of type String, and AT LEAST one response declaration using SEND keyword. For instance:
GET = {
    ENDPOINT = "/path/to/resource";
    // SOME LOGIC...
    SEND = {
        "Here is your resource!";

Contribution guide

Please do not work directly in the master branch. Work in seperate branches, and make a pull request to merge into dev so that other members can work with/on your code. Once things are working on dev and after making sure that the code builds on travis, we'll send in a pull request to merge into master.

We will be following the peer-review method of development, so any merge into dev or master will require atleast one review from someone. Master won't allow any pull requests before a review, dev will allow it but it's in good practice to get it reviewed. This keeps the sanity of our codebase in check, and atleast one person from the team will be upto speed with what you did.

Also, keep in mind the following things when sending in pull requests:

  1. Pull request sizes should be as small as possible
  2. Whenever it is possible, break pull requests into smaller ones
  3. The pull request should do only one thing
  4. Make a self-explanatory title describing what the pull request does
  5. Detail with what was changed, why it was changed, and how it was changed.

Following these practices will ensure that:

  1. Your pull request will be reviewed quickly
  2. Less bugs will be introduced in the codebase
  3. Development process will speed up as a result, and we'll be done before we know it


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