OpenIO v2.8
2020 Data
The 2.8 version includes the economic data for the year 2020. Data for emissions were also updated, namely, GHG emissions, energy use, water use, minerals extraction and NPRI emissions.
Aggregated GHG accounts
Per request from the physical flow account team of StatCan, the disaggregated GHG accounts are no longer provided via openIO-Canada as long as these disaggregated accounts are not on the StatCan website. As a result, in v2.8 openIO-Canada operates with aggregated GHG accounts that can be directly found on StatCan's website. What are the implications? Because aggregated accounts are directly available in kgCO2eq
- we are forced to use the characterization factors used by the physical flow account team, which are 25 for methane and 298 for dinitrogen monoxide. This constitutes a slight underestimation as new values from the latest IPCC report give a 30kgCO2eq CF for methane and a 273kgCO2eq for dinitrogen monoxide.
- we can no longer cover GTP100, climate change damage indicators (damage of climate change on Human Health and biodiversity) and marine acidification
We will re-implement disaggregated GHG accounts as soon as they are publicly available on StatCan's website.
Water consumption
In previous versions only water use was covered by openIO-Canada. As of 2.8, openIO-Canada now covers water consumption, i.e., only the water that is actually consumed (a net value between extracted and released water). Now that water consumption is covered, it was also regionalized. Meaning that a cubic meter consumed in Quebec is not as impactant as a cubic meter consumed in Saskatchewan or in the Middle East.