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Merge branch 'unstable' into 3D-export
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# Conflicts:
#	swing/src/net/sf/openrocket/gui/dialogs/
  • Loading branch information
SiboVG committed Aug 9, 2023
2 parents 6efd39b + e2993a6 commit 6d6f528
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Showing 124 changed files with 2,124 additions and 1,049 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ OpenRocket needs help to become even better. Implementing features, writing docu
- Daniel Williams, pod support, maintainer
- Joe Pfeiffer (maintainer)
- Billy Olsen (maintainer)
- Sibo Van Gool (3D OBJ export, maintainer)
- Sibo Van Gool (RASAero file format, 3D OBJ export, dark theme, maintainer)
- Neil Weinstock (tester, icons, forum support)
- H. Craig Miller (tester)

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50 changes: 34 additions & 16 deletions core/resources/l10n/
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = Do not ask me again
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = You can change the default operation in the preferences.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = Delete the selected simulations?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>This operation cannot be undone.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Delete simulations
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = Delete
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected component.
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected components.
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = Delete
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected simulation.
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected simulations.
RocketActions.DelAct.Delete = Delete
RocketActions.DelAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected component or simulation.
RocketActions.DelAct.ttip.Delete = Delete the selected components or simulations.
RocketActions.CutAction.Cut = Cut
RocketActions.CutAction.ttip.Cut = Cut this component or simulation to the clipboard and delete from this design
RocketActions.CutAction.ttip.Cut = Cut these components or simulations to the clipboard and delete from this design
RocketActions.CopyAct.Copy = Copy
RocketActions.CopyAct.ttip.Copy = Copy this component (and subcomponents) to the clipboard.
RocketActions.CopyAct.ttip.Copy = Copy these components (and subcomponents) to the clipboard.
RocketActions.PasteAct.Paste = Paste
RocketActions.PasteAct.ttip.Paste = Paste the component or simulation on the clipboard to the design.
RocketActions.PasteAct.ttip.Paste = Paste the components or simulations on the clipboard to the design.
RocketActions.PasteAct.invalidPosition.msg = Invalid paste position for object '%s', ignoring pasting.
RocketActions.PasteAct.invalidPosition.title = Could not paste
RocketActions.DuplicateAct.Duplicate = Duplicate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,15 +380,15 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = Confirm
pref.dlg.Add = Add
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories = Add directories, RASP motor files (*.eng), RockSim engine files (*.rse) or ZIP archives separated by a semicolon (;) to load external thrust curves. Changes will take effect the next time you start OpenRocket.

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Interface language:
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = System default
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = The language will change the next time you start OpenRocket.
PreferencesDialog.CancelOperation.title = Discard Preference Changes
PreferencesDialog.CancelOperation.msg.discardChanges = <html>Are you sure you want to <b>discard the preference changes</b>?</html>

generalprefs.lbl.language = Interface language
generalprefs.languages.default = System default
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = The language will change the next time you start OpenRocket.
generalprefs.lbl.UITheme = UI Theme
generalprefs.lbl.FontSize = UI Font Size
generalprefs.lbl.themeRestartOR = You must restart OpenRocket for the UI changes to take effect.
generalprefs.ImportWarning.title = Reload OpenRocket
generalprefs.ImportWarning.msg = You may need to restart OpenRocket for some of the changes to take effect.

Expand All @@ -407,6 +402,10 @@ PreferencesOptionPanel.checkbox.userDirectories.ttip = If unchecked, user direct
PreferencesOptionPanel.checkbox.windowInfo = Export window information (position, size\u2026)
PreferencesOptionPanel.checkbox.windowInfo.ttip = If unchecked, window information (position, size\u2026) will not be exported.

! UI Themes
UITheme.Light = Light (Default)
UITheme.Dark = Dark

! Welcome dialog
welcome.dlg.title = Welcome to OpenRocket
welcome.dlg.lbl.thankYou = Thank you for downloading OpenRocket
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -581,19 +580,31 @@ simpanel.but.ttip.editsim = Edit the selected simulation
simpanel.but.ttip.runsimu = Re-run the selected simulations
simpanel.but.ttip.deletesim = Delete the selected simulations
simpanel.pop.edit = Edit
simpanel.pop.edit.ttip= Edit the selected simulation(s)
simpanel.pop.cut= Cut
simpanel.pop.cut.ttip= Copy the selected simulation(s) to the clipboard and delete from this design
simpanel.pop.copy= Copy
simpanel.pop.copy.ttip= Copy the selected simulation(s) to the clipboard
simpanel.pop.paste= Paste
simpanel.pop.paste.ttip= Paste the simulation(s) on the clipboard to the design.
simpanel.pop.plot = Plot / Export
simpanel.pop.plot.ttip= Plot or Export the selected simulation(s) = Run Run the selected simulation(s)
simpanel.pop.delete = Delete
simpanel.pop.delete.ttip= Delete the selected simulation(s)
simpanel.pop.duplicate = Duplicate
simpanel.pop.duplicate.ttip= Duplicate the selected simulation(s)
simpanel.pop.exportSimTableToCSV = Export simulation table as CSV file
simpanel.pop.exportSelectedSimsToCSV = Export simulations as CSV file
simpanel.pop.exportSelectedSimsToCSV = Export simulation(s) as CSV file = Save as CSV file = Simulation table has no entries\u2026 Please run a simulation first.
simpanel.checkbox.donotask = Do not ask me again
simpanel.lbl.defpref = You can change the default operation in the preferences.
simpanel.dlg.lbl.DeleteSim1 = Delete the selected simulations?
simpanel.dlg.lbl.DeleteSim2 = <html><i>This operation cannot be undone.</i>
simpanel.dlg.lbl.DeleteSim3 = Delete simulations
simpanel.col.Status = Status
simpanel.col.Name = Name
simpanel.col.Motors = Motors
simpanel.col.Configuration = Configuration
Expand All @@ -615,6 +626,7 @@ simpanel.ttip.notSimulated = <i>Not simulated yet</i><br>Click <i><b>Run simulat
simpanel.ttip.noData = No simulation data available.
simpanel.ttip.noWarnings = <font color=\"gray\">No warnings.</font>
simpanel.ttip.warnings = <font color=\"red\">Warnings:</font>
simpanel.msg.invalidCopySelection = Invalid copy selection

! SimulationRunDialog
SimuRunDlg.title.RunSim = Running simulations\u2026
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1192,6 +1204,7 @@ = Radial position
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.Selectclustercfg = Select cluster configuration:
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.TubeSep = Tube separation:
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.ttip.TubeSep = The separation of the tubes, 1.0 = touching each other
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.ttip.TubeSepAbs = The separation of the tubes, 0 = touching each other
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.Rotation = Rotation:
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.ttip.Rotation = Rotation angle of the cluster configuration
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.Rotangle = Rotation angle of the cluster configuration
Expand All @@ -1200,6 +1213,10 @@ InnerTubeCfg.lbl.longA1 = <html>Split the cluster into separate components.<br>
InnerTubeCfg.lbl.longA2 = This also duplicates all components attached to this inner tube.
InnerTubeCfg.but.Resetsettings = Reset settings
InnerTubeCfg.but.ttip.Resetsettings = Reset the separation and rotation to the default values
InnerTubeCfg.radioBut.Relative = Relative
InnerTubeCfg.radioBut.Relative.ttip = The separation is measured relative to the outer diameter of the inner tube
InnerTubeCfg.radioBut.Absolute = Absolute
InnerTubeCfg.radioBut.Absolute.ttip = The separation is measured in length units

! LaunchLugConfig
LaunchLugCfg.lbl.Length = Length:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2025,6 +2042,7 @@ Warning.TUBE_SEPARATION = Space between tube fins may not simulate accurately.
Warning.TUBE_OVERLAP = Overlapping tube fins may not simulate accurately.
Warning.EMPTY_BRANCH = Simulation branch contains no data
Warning.SEPARATION_ORDER = Stages separated in an unreasonable order
Warning.EARLY_SEPARATION = Stages separated before clearing launch rod/rail

! Scale dialog
ScaleDialog.lbl.scaleRocket = Entire rocket
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2319,7 +2337,7 @@ = Units
ComponentPresetChooserDialog.checkbox.showLegacyCheckBox = Show Legacy Database
ComponentPresetChooserDialog.lbl.favorites = Check to add preset to the preset drop-down menu in the component edit dialog<br>Directly apply a preset by double-clicking it or by selecting it and closing this window.
ComponentPresetChooserDialog.checkbox.alwaysOpenPreset = Always open this dialog when creating a new %s
table.column.Favorite = Favorite
table.column.Favorite = \u2026 Favorite
table.column.Legacy = Legacy
table.column.Manufacturer = Manufacturer
table.column.PartNo = Part Number
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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions core/resources/l10n/
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = لا تسألني مجددا
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = يمكنك تغيير العملية الافتراضية في التفضيلات.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = إحذف المحاكاة المختارة؟
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذه العملية.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = إحذف كل المحاكاة
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = إحذف
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = إحذف القطعة المختارة
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = إحذف
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,9 +343,6 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = تأكيد
pref.dlg.Add = أضف
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories =.ملفات محرك روكسيم أو أرشيفات زيب مفصولة بفاصلة منقوطة لتحميل منحنيات الدفع الخارجية. ستدخل التغييرات حيز التنفيذ في المرة التالية التي تفتح فيها أوبنروكت (* .rse)أو RASP ملفات محرك (* .eng), أضف الدلائل

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = :لغة الواجهة
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = النظام الافتراضي
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = .ستتغير اللغة في المرة التالية التي تعيد تشغيل أوبنروكت
generalprefs.lbl.language = :لغة الواجهة
generalprefs.languages.default = النظام الافتراضي
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = .ستتغير اللغة في المرة التالية التي تعيد تشغيل أوبنروكت
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11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions core/resources/l10n/
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = Prí\u0161te se me neptejte
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = Mu\u017Eete zmenit výchozí operaci v nastavení.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = Chcete smazat oznacenou simulaci?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>Tuto operaci nelze vzít zpet.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Sma\u017E simulace
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = Sma\u017E
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = Sma\u017E oznacenou komponentu.
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = Sma\u017E
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,9 +264,9 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = Potvrd
pref.dlg.Add = Pridej
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories = Pridej adresáre, soubory RASP motor (*.eng), RockSim engine soubory (*.rse) nebo ZIP archiv oddelený oddelovacem (;) k nahrání externích výkonových prubehu. Zmeny se projeví po restaru programu OpenRocket.

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Jazyk rohranní:
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = Výchozí
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = Jazyk se zmení pri dal\u0161ím spu\u0161tení programu OpenRocket.
generalprefs.lbl.language = Jazyk rohranní:
generalprefs.languages.default = Výchozí
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = Jazyk se zmení pri dal\u0161ím spu\u0161tení programu OpenRocket.

! Software update checker
update.dlg.error.title = Nemohu získat informace o aktualizacích
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = Nicht wieder fragen
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = Die Standardaktion kann in den Einstellungen geändert werden.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = Simulationen löschen?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Simulationen löschen
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = Löschen
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = Die ausgewählte Komponente löschen.
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = Löschen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,9 +266,9 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = Best
pref.dlg.Add = Hinzufügen
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories = Um eigene Schubkurven zu laden, Verzeichnisse, RASP-Motordateien (*.eng), RockSim-Motordateien (*.rse) oder ZIP-Archive mit Semikolon getrennt eingeben. Änderungen werden beim nächsten Neustart von OpenRocket übernommen.

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Sprache:
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = Systemeinstellung
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = Die Sprache wird beim nächsten Neustart von OpenRocket geändert.
generalprefs.lbl.language = Sprache:
generalprefs.languages.default = Systemeinstellung
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = Die Sprache wird beim nächsten Neustart von OpenRocket geändert.

! Software update checker
update.dlg.error.title = Es konnten keine Informationen über Programmaktualisierungen empfangen werden.
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12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions core/resources/l10n/
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Expand Up @@ -733,9 +733,9 @@ PlotDialog.title.Flightdataplot = Representaci\u00f3n de los datos de vuelo = total

PreferencesDialog.languages.default = Idioma por defecto
PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Idioma de la interfaz:
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = El idioma cambiar\u00e1 la pr\u00f3xima vez que abra OpenRocket.
generalprefs.languages.default = Idioma por defecto
generalprefs.lbl.language = Idioma de la interfaz:
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = El idioma cambiar\u00e1 la pr\u00f3xima vez que abra OpenRocket.

PresetModel.lbl.custompreset = Personalizado
PresetModel.lbl.partsLib = Biblioteca de piezas
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,12 +811,6 @@ RocketActions.NewStageAct.Newstage = Nueva etapa
RocketActions.NewStageAct.ttip.Newstage = A\u00f1adir una nueva etapa al dise\u00f1o del cohete
RocketActions.PasteAct.Paste = Pegar
RocketActions.PasteAct.ttip.Paste = Pegar al portapapeles
! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = No volver a preguntarme
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = Puede modificar la operaci\u00f3n por defecto con sus preferencias
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = \u00bfBorrar las simulaciones seleccionadas?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>Esta operaci\u00f3n no puede deshacerse.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Borrar simulaciones

RocketCfg.lbl.Comments = Comentarios:
RocketCfg.lbl.Designer = Dise\u00f1ador:
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12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions core/resources/l10n/
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Expand Up @@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ PlotDialog.title.Flightdataplot = Trac\u00E9 du vol = total

PreferencesDialog.languages.default = Valeur syst\u00E8me par d\u00E9faut
PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Langue du programme:
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = La langue sera chang\u00E9e apr\u00E8s avoir red\u00E9marr\u00E9 OpenRocket.
generalprefs.languages.default = Valeur syst\u00E8me par d\u00E9faut
generalprefs.lbl.language = Langue du programme:
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = La langue sera chang\u00E9e apr\u00E8s avoir red\u00E9marr\u00E9 OpenRocket.

PresetModel.lbl.custompreset = Personnalisé
PresetModel.lbl.partsLib = Biblioth\u00E8que de pi\u00E8ces
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -802,12 +802,6 @@ RocketActions.NewStageAct.Newstage = Nouvel \u00E9tage
RocketActions.NewStageAct.ttip.Newstage = Ajouter un nouvel \u00E9tage au projet.
RocketActions.PasteAct.Paste = Coller
RocketActions.PasteAct.ttip.Paste = Coller la pi\u00E8ce ou simulation pr\u00E9sente dans le presse papier dans le projet.
! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = Ne plus me demander
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = Vous pouvez changer le mode op\u00E9ratoire par d\u00E9faut dans les pr\u00E9ferences.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = Supprimer les simulations s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9es?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>Cette op\u00E9ration n'est pas r\u00E9versible.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Effacer les simulations

RocketCfg.lbl.Comments = Commentaires:
RocketCfg.lbl.Designer = Concepteur:
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = Non chiedermelo piu'
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = Puoi cambiare le operazioni prestabilite in PREFERENZE.
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = Cancello le simulazioni selezionate?
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>Questa operazione non puo' essere annullata.</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = Cancello Simulazioni
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = Cancella
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = Cancello il componente selezionato.
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = Cancella
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,9 +268,9 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = Conferma
pref.dlg.Add = Aggiungi
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories = Aggiungi cartelle, RASP motor files (*.eng), RockSim engine files (*.rse) or ZIP archives separate da puntoevirgola (;) per caricare curve di spinta esterne. I cambiamenti avranno effetto la prossima volta che avvierai OpenRocket.

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = Lingua dell'interfaccia:
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = Predefinita di sistema
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = La lingua sara' cambiata la prossima volta che avvierai OpenRocket.
generalprefs.lbl.language = Lingua dell'interfaccia:
generalprefs.languages.default = Predefinita di sistema
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = La lingua sara' cambiata la prossima volta che avvierai OpenRocket.

! Software update checker
update.dlg.error.title = Non sono in grado di recuperare informazioni sugli aggiornamenti
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debug.currentFile =

! RocketActions
RocketActions.checkbox.Donotaskmeagain = \u6B21\u56DE\u304B\u3089\u8868\u793A\u3057\u306A\u3044
RocketActions.lbl.Youcanchangedefop = \u8A2D\u5B9A\u306E\u4E2D\u3067\u30C7\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C8\u306B\u5909\u66F4\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl1 = \u9078\u629E\u3057\u305F\u30B7\u30DF\u30E5\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3092\u6D88\u53BB\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.lbl2 = <html><i>\u6D88\u53BB\u3057\u305F\u3089\u5FA9\u5143\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093</i>
RocketActions.showConfirmDialog.title = \u30B7\u30DF\u30E5\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u306E\u524A\u9664
RocketActions.DelCompAct.Delete = \u524A\u9664
RocketActions.DelCompAct.ttip.Delete = \u9078\u629E\u3057\u305F\u90E8\u54C1\u306E\u524A\u9664
RocketActions.DelSimuAct.Delete = \u524A\u9664
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,9 +265,9 @@ pref.dlg.PrefBooleanSelector2 = \u78BA\u8A8D
pref.dlg.Add = \u8FFD\u52A0
pref.dlg.DescriptionArea.Adddirectories = \u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C0, RASP motor files (*.eng), RockSim engine files (*.rse) \u3082\u3057\u304F\u306F ZIP archives \u3092\u30BB\u30DF\u30B3\u30ED\u30F3(;)\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u5206\u3051\u3089\u308C\u305F\u5F62\u3067\u8FFD\u52A0\u306E\u63A8\u529B\u5C65\u6B74\u3068\u3057\u3066\u8FFD\u52A0\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u5909\u66F4\u306FOpenRocket\u306E\u518D\u8D77\u52D5\u6642\u306B\u6709\u52B9\u306B\u306A\u308A\u307E\u3059

PreferencesDialog.lbl.language = \u8A00\u8A9E\uFF1A
PreferencesDialog.languages.default = \u30B7\u30B9\u30C6\u30E0\u8A00\u8A9E
PreferencesDialog.lbl.languageEffect = \u8A00\u8A9E\u306F\u518D\u8D77\u52D5\u6642\u306B\u5909\u66F4\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059
generalprefs.lbl.language = \u8A00\u8A9E\uFF1A
generalprefs.languages.default = \u30B7\u30B9\u30C6\u30E0\u8A00\u8A9E
generalprefs.lbl.languageEffect = \u8A00\u8A9E\u306F\u518D\u8D77\u52D5\u6642\u306B\u5909\u66F4\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059

! Software update checker
update.dlg.error.title = \u30A2\u30C3\u30D7\u30C7\u30FC\u30C8\u60C5\u5831\u306E\u8AAD\u307F\u51FA\u3057\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093
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