This repository contains galaxy tools for preprocessing and posting static and interactive plots and tables from Galaxy to Stencil. Preprocessing tools are mainly developed for deseq2, a popular RNA-seq analysis tool. The Post tools are generic and can be used for different static and interactive plots to Stencil Website.
1- deseq2_to_ma_plot_nivo_json" tool generates MA plot in nivo standard json format.
2- deseq2_to_bar_plot_nivo_json" tool generates Bar plot in nivo standard json format.
3- "deseq2_to_heatmap_plot_nivo_json" generates heatmap of distance between samples based on r-log normalized counts of reads per gene, in nivo standard json format.
4- "deseq2_to_pca_plot_nivo_json" generates a PCA plot from the rlog-normalized counts of read per gene data coming out of deseq2 tool
5- "deseq2_to_table_with_gene_name_nivo_json" gets the output of deseq2 in tabular format and gene annotation file in gf format. Adds a gene_name column to the table based on gene_id, finally convert the results to nivo JSON format.
1- "tagpileup_tabular_to_nivo_json" tool generates Lineplot in nivo standard json format for two groups of sense strand reads and antisense strand reads.
1- "post_static_plot_stencil" POSTs static images in png format to Stencil
2- "post_nivo_table_and_plot_stencil" POSTs json files in nivo table or plot format to Stencil. Supported type of plots are ScatterPlot, LinePlot, BarPlot, Heatmap and Table.
- Clone the repository in the local_tools folder
cd /mnt/mountpoint/srv/galaxy/local_tools
sudo git clone
- Tell galaxy where to look for
tools by adding the following section to/mnt/mountpoint/srv/galaxy/config/local_tool_conf.xml
file if it is not already included.
<section id="STENCIL" name="STENCIL" >
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/deseq2_to_bar_plot_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/deseq2_to_heatmap_plot_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/deseq2_to_ma_plot_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/deseq2_to_pca_plot_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/deseq2_to_table_with_gene_name_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/preproc_stencil/tagpileup_tabular_to_nivo_json.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/post_stencil/post_nivo_table_and_plot_json_stencil.xml" />
<tool file="stencil-galaxy_tools/post_stencil/post_static_plot_stencil.xml" />
Restart Galaxy
sudo systemctl restart galaxy
Solve dependencies for local Galaxy tools that have been just added through Galaxy web interface.
Admin -> Manage Dependencies
For more information about Stencil, please check the following paper.
Sun Q, Nematbakhsh A., Kuntala P., Kellogg G, Pugh B. and Lai W., 2022, STENCIL: A web templating engine for visualizing and sharing life science datasets, PLOS Computational Biology 18(2) e1009859