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Getting Started as a ReportStream Developer


These pages are a work in progress, please see the old pages if something is missing

Table of contents

Locally installed software prerequisites

You will need to have at least the following pieces of software installed locally in order to be able to build and/or debug this project:

To reduce the build-debug cycle time you can install these tools to run the code directly. These tools are required if you are using an Apple Silicon computer, otherwise they are optional.


If you are using an Apple Silicon computer you will need to use Gradle as Microsoft's Azure Function Docker image is only amd64 compatible. There are also known issues running Intel Docker images on Apple Silicon. Both approaches to running the project are documented here. Many of our local developer tools are set up to run in Docker containers. Looking at our docker-compose.yml file, the prime_dev service does not work on Apple Silicon. Likewise, the builder service in our does not work.

Bulding the baseline

First build

The script does the base work needed to start developing for ReportStream. It only needs to be run once. This script runs on Apple processors, but it skips a few steps. We will need to do these missing steps by hand.

  1. Clone the prime-reportstream repository to your workstation using git.

  2. Initialize your environment and run an initial build by running the following command using a Linux shell. Note you can run script to reset your environment as well (run ./ --help for more information). The script not only cleans, but also performs a first build and setup of all artifacts needed for the build

cd ./prime-router
Docker Desktop * If you are using Docker Desktop, verify that it is running prior to building or running ReportStream locally.
Gradle/Apple Silicon


# build the project
./ --verbose
# ...

# Check that a Postgres instance is running
docker ps
# CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                    NAMES
# 2962fb214203   postgres:11   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   57 minutes ago   Up 57 minutes>5432/tcp   prime-router_postgresql_1

Run support services

ReportStream depends on set of services to be up before running the main Azure service. The script starts a Postgres database but skips starting a few more that are otherwise started by default when start is run on a non-Apple processor:

  • Azurite - a simulator of Azure storage
  • Vault - a secret store
  • SFTP - an SFTP server
  • soap-webservice - SOAP web service emulator
docker compose -f up --detach

Additionally, to ensure that Vault is running and the credentials are stored correctly, run the following (which is normally covered by on non-Apple processors):

docker compose up --detach vault 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

You can take down these services by running ./gradlew composeDown or docker compose down command. For now, leave these services running and open up a new terminal session.

Seed the Postgres db and vault

To run tests, the Postgres DB and the credential vault need to be seeded with values. We will need to have ReportStream running for these steps to work (see previous steps). Again, we will use a Gradle task to do these steps.


If you are getting a connection error during the reloadTables step, you're probably on a mac with the custom Apple CPU. Use command gradlew run to get the app up and running and try again.

./gradlew primeCLI --args "create-credential --type=UserPass --persist=DEFAULT-SFTP --user foo --pass pass"
./gradlew reloadTables
./gradlew reloadSettings

Running ReportStream backend

Verify that your docker engine is running prior to building or running ReportStream locally (either Docker Desktop or through the command line).

Building and running ReportStream requires a locally accessible PostgreSQL database instance that is initially setup and run by the script. This database instance runs as a Docker container defined by the file. You will need to start this database instance upon a workstation reboot by using the following command:

cd ./prime-router
docker compose --file "" up --detach
Gradle/Apple Silicon Use Gradle to launch ReportStream, as it will set up the environment variables that ReportStream needs. If you are on a Mac with the custom Apple CPU and are following this guide step by step you've already done this step when you seeded Postgres db and vault.
./gradlew run

ReportStream should continue to run after launching. A successful build will appear like so:

<===========--> 90% EXECUTING [46s]
> :azureFunctionsRun

A ctrl-c will escape the running ReportStream instance.


The recommended way to rapidly develop on the ReportStream backend is to use ./gradlew quickRun. This command skips some long-running tasks, so use with caution as it will not build the FatJar, run database related tasks, or run the tests.


./gradlew quickrun or ./gradlew run will open a debug port on your locally running ReportStream instance. Connect your debugger remotely to port 5005. For profiling use the JMX port 9090.

If using IntelliJ, this can be easily configured by first opening the primer-router folder as its own project. Create a Remote JVM Debug Configuration with the port set to 5005.

Running the frontend

See the frontend React docs for more information. Once you've done that and want to log in, you need to use the same okta credentials you use when logging into the staging or production instances of the app.

Submit a sample message through the app

  1. If you haven't already, download Postman and install it. Import the collections in the postman folder into postman.

  2. If you haven't already, ensure the app is up and running.

  3. Log into the LOCAL instance of the front end app. Use your STAGING CDC okta credentials.

  4. In order to send a message, you are going to need to add the "sender id" to the POST header. Click on "edit" on the " development" row.


  1. The data you seek is under "Organization Sender Settings". The client header is the sender. Concat the org name and the sender name should get you a valid value like so client:


  1. In postman, open collection ReportStream HL7 Demo (Local) and select POST Single HL7 Full ELR. Then, under headers change the client value to and press Send. If all went well you'll get an HTTP/201 response as shown below.


Running the static site


Next Steps