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This document is a collection of mathematical definitions for some of commonly (and not so) model components that may be included in the model. Most of the document consists of verbose reproduction of mathematical definitions/code from the indicated source.

Eventually, it should incorporate information about the software implementation of these functions.

Generic models


$$I(t) = \mathcal{R}(t) \sum_{\tau = 1}^{T_g} I(t-\tau) g(\tau)$$

  • Reproductive number damping (from the wastewater model). This allows the time-varying reproductive number $\mathcal{R}(t)$ to be split into two factors:

$$ \log \mathcal{R}(t) = \log \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t) - \gamma \sum_{\tau = 1}^{T_f}I(t-\tau)f(\tau).$$

  1. $\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t)$ is the unadjusted reproductive number, which evolves as a latent process.
  2. A factor representing the effect of past infections on the current reproductive number. We constrain this factor to be non-negative, so that it can be interpreted as a damping factor. The scalar $\gamma \geq 0$ scales the strength of this damping effect, and the function $f(\tau)$ the time-scale over which past infections influence the current time-varying reproductive number $\mathcal{R}(t)$.

Latent processes for reproductive number

For the wastewater model $t_1,t_2,t_3$ represent different weeks, but in principle can represent other time scales. We will look to model the diffences in log-reproductive number between two time points, $t_2$ and $t_3$.

  • Differenced autoregressive (from from the wastewater model). This is likely to be the "go-to" model for the latent process of the reproductive numberm and includes random walk as a special case.

$$ \log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_3) - \log \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2) \sim \mathrm{Normal}\Big(\beta [\log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2) - \log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_1) ], \sigma_r \Big). $$

  • In general, other Gaussian processes for time-differences in reproductive number (from EpiNow2)
$$\log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_3) - \log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2) \sim \text{GP}_{t_2} | \{\log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t)\}_{t \leq t_2}.$$
  • Additional effects via a link function (from epinowcast)

$$ \log\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_3) - \log \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2) =\text{baseline model} + \beta_{f, r} X_r + \beta_{r,r} Z_r. $$

Where $X$ and $Z$ are the design matrices for fixed and random effects, respectively, associated with the signal we are modelling. NB: This can be extended to spline regression.

Generation interval and delay to reporting time of reference

In our epidemiological modelling we represent connected events with delayed cause and effect as having delay distributions. Delay distributions represent the chance of paired events with a primary time $s$ and a secondary time $t \geq s$. Example distributions in this form:

  • The generation interval. This models the delay between infection time (primmary) and infectee time (secondary).
  • The incubation period. This models the delay between infection time (primary) and the onset-of-symptoms time (secondary).
  • The reporting delay. This models the delay between an onset time/specimen time (primary) and the reporting time (secondary).

We intend to use discrete time models, likely daily dynamics. However, delay distributions are often reported in the literature as continuous distributions, either because the underlying data was on a fine-grained scale or because of analytic convenience. Additionally, if we are making inference on these distributions rather than using literature estimates it might be more convenient to use a parametric form of a continuous distribution (e.g. a Log-Normal distribution).

Apart from user defined probability mass functions (PMFs) as in EpiSewer, creating consistent usage of discrete distributions based on associated continuous distributions is discussed by Park et al1. The approach in Park et al is to treat the continuous representation of the delay distribution as generating the discrete representation through interval censoring. Interval censoring happens when an event time (either primary, secondary or both) are only known to occur within an interval.

Interval censoring in days with uniform primary event time and right truncation

Most of our use-cases will use double censoring of events into days; that is both primary and secondary events are censored onto a day. In a slight abuse of notation, we can treat $s,t$ as determining days and the continuous time earliest time point in a day. Let the continuous delay distribution have a density function $f$. Then, as per Park et al, the probability that the secondary event time $S$ occurs in day $t$ (i.e. $S \in [t, t+1)$), given that the primary event time $P$ occurred in day $s$ (i.e. $P\in[s, s)$) is,

$$ \mathbb{P}(S = t| P = s) = \int_s^{s+1} \int_t^{t+1} g_P(x) f(y-x) \text{d}y \text{d}x. $$

Where $g_P(x)$ is the density of the primary time conditioned to be within $[s, s+1)$ and $f(\tau) = 0$ for $\tau < 0$ is understood.

This equation is tricky to implement numerically for two reasons:

  • In general, double integrals are numerically unstable in a number of cases.
  • $g_P$ is not specified.

One option, which was assessed as robust in Park et al, is to approximate $g_P$ as uniform within the interval $[s, s+1)$. Using this approximation we can rewrite,

$$ \mathbb{P}(S = t| P = s) = \int_0^{1} \int_{t-s}^{t -s +1} f(y-x) \text{d}y \text{d}x. $$

Which shows that, as expected, the discrete delay probability only depends on the day difference $T = t-s = \tau$. Finally, we can swap the integrals and use the PDF of summed random variables identity to write,

$$ \mathbb{P}(T = \tau) = F_{T+U}(\tau+1) - F_{T+U}(\tau). $$

Where $F_{T+U}$ is the cumulative probability function of the delay $T$ with density $f$ and $U \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1]$. The vector $[\mathbb{P}(T = \tau)]_{\tau=0,1,\dots}$ is a discretised PMF associated with the continuous delay distribution for $S - P$.

In applied modelling we need $p_d$ to be finite length, which we do by conditioning $T\leq T_{max}$ for some value of $T_{max}$, this is commonly call right truncation of the distribution. The right truncated PMF we use in modelling given a continuous distribution for $S-P$ and $T_{max}$ is:

$$p_d(\tau) = \mathbb{P}(T = \tau) \Big/ \sum_{\tau' = 0}^{T_{max}} \mathbb{P}(T = \tau') \qquad \forall \tau = 0, \dots, T_{max}.$$

Calculating $F_{T+U}$ for any analytical distribution and value of $\tau = 0, 1, 2,...$ is a single integral which has stable numerical quadrature properties. See here for an example implementation.

Left truncation for the generation interval

It is typical to also condition on the delay between infector and infectee being at least one day; that is if $T$ models the generation interval delay then $T>0$.

The reason for this is that if we allow zero delay infections, then consistently we should also model subsequent new infections from those new infections that also happen to occur with zero delay, and so on. This leads to requiring tracking of infection generations within a single time step. If we consider same-day infection-infector events to be epidemiologically reasonable for a pathogen of interest it would be preferable to model using a shorter than daily time step.

For the discretised generation interval the pmf vector is,

$$ p_d(\tau) = \mathbb{P}(T = \tau) \Big/ \sum_{\tau' = 1}^{T_{max}} \mathbb{P}(T = \tau') \qquad \forall \tau = 1, \dots, T_{max}. $$

Reporting delay between the time of reference and the time of report

The reporting delay is the random time between the time of reference of a case and the time of report when the data of that case becomes available to analysts (see Epinowcast definition).

Using epinowcast notation, for any signal our the probability that a case with reference time $t$ is reported at time $t+d$ is given by, $p_{t,d}$.

Options for constructing the reporting delay PMF:

$$ \text{LogNormal}(\mu_d, \sigma_d). $$

distribution, with parameters $\mu_d \sim \text{Normal}(0,1)$ and $\sigma_d \sim \text{Half-Normal}(0,1)$. NB: this assumes that the reporting delay is independent of the time of reference, excepting possible interval censoring effects.

$$ p_{t,0} = h_{t,0},\qquad p_{t,d}=\left(1−\sum_{d'=0}^{d−1}p_{t,d}\right) \times h_{t,d}, $$

The hazard of a survival model with time-varying covariates, $W_{t,d}$, is given by,

$$h_{t,d} = P(\text{delay}=d|\text{delay} \geq d, W_{t,d}).$$


Hospital Admissions

In the wastewater model2, the observed hospital admissions $h_t$ are the realization of a count random variable with mean modeled as a function of a renewal process, $H(t)$. Following the wastewater model's notation, the two equations that characterized this model component are:

$$ \begin{align} H(t) & = \omega(t) ~ p_\mathrm{hosp}(t) \sum_{\tau = 0}^{T_d} d(\tau) I(t-\tau).\\ h_t & \sim \text{CountDistribution}(\theta(H(t))) \end{align} $$

Where $\omega(t)$ is a day-of-the-week effect, $p_{hosp}(t)$ is the probability of hospitalization, $d(\tau)$ is akin to incubation but representing infection to hospitalization time, $I(t)$ is the incidence, and $\text{CountDistribution}(\theta)$ can be a Negative Binomial or Poisson distribution (for example,). More details are provided in the documentation of the wastewater model (link).


from the wastewater model the viral concentration at time $t$ is given by:

$$C(t) = \frac{G}{\alpha} \sum_{\tau = 0}^{\tau_\mathrm{shed}} s(\tau) I(t-\tau).$$


The following diagram provides a general view of the main model components and how are these connected (under development):

flowchart LR

  %% Global level DGP ----------------------------------------------------------
  subgraph dgp_global["Global-level DGP"]

    direction TB

    subgraph rt["R(t)"]
    style rt_elements text-align:left

    subgraph gt["g(t)"]
    style gt_elements text-align:left

  rt ~~~ gt

  %% Local level DGP -----------------------------------------------------------

  it(("I(t, j)\nLatent Cases\nat j"))

  subgraph i0["I(0, j)"]
    i0_elements["-Exp. growth\n-Single param\n-Random walk."]
    style i0_elements text-align:left

  subgraph signals["Signals in location j"]
    direction TB
    signals_elements["y<sub>1</sub>: Cases
    y<sub>2</sub>: Hospital Admissions
    y<sub>3</sub>: Wastewater
    y<sub>M</sub>: M-th signal"]
  style signals_elements stroke-width:0px,fill:transparent,text-align:left;
  it --> |"As a parameter\n(e.g., Avg. NegBinom.)"| signals
  i0 --> |Used in| it

  %% Rt hierarchical process
  subgraph Rt_local["R hierarchical"]

    direction LR

    Rt(("R(t)")) --> Rtdots(("..."))
    Rtdots --> Rtj(("R(t, j)"))
    style Rtdots fill:transparent,stroke:transparent

  dgp_global --> Rt_local
  dgp_global --> gt_local(("g(t)"))

  Rt_local --> |Used in| it
  gt_local --> |Used in| it

  classDef transparentClass fill:transparent,stroke:darkgray;
  class dgp_global,dgp_local_j transparentClass;


  1. Park, SW, et al Medrxiv 2024
