This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 9, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: CCXXXI/ecg_monitor
Releases · CCXXXI/ecg_monitor
0.4.0 (2023-01-31)
- basic monitor (ce7fcef)
- better monitor style (219c54d)
- mine: AboutListTile (6c46e11)
- monitor: interval: 1 (ad6bc7f)
- monitor: roll right to left at beginning (2c71348)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency to v7.4.1 (44b1d23)
- deps: update dependency org.pytorch:pytorch_android to v1.13.0 (c8b67af)
- deps: update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.10 (56c0bac)
- monitor: clear monitor while route changing (be830fe)
Performance Improvements
- improve monitor performance (4dbf91e)
Code Refactoring
Build System
Miscellaneous Chores
- deps: update dependency gradle to v8 (0142e39)
0.3.0 (2023-01-31)
- home: NavigationBar instead of SalomonBottomBar (5559503)
- log (51db36f)
- logging system (fcf5a3c)
- mine: SettingsView (19f1263)
- model test (fa8dc7c)
- use material 3 UI design (5ac628f)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency to v7.4.0 (f65a9cc)
Miscellaneous Chores
- add debug assets (e4e6508)
- add model as asset (fc4d37a)
- add model as submodule (0980ecf)
- update android gitignore (58d38c4)
- update submodule (98e6a6b)
- update submodule (7642272)
- update submodule (a0daaf7)
Code Refactoring
- analytics: rename analysis to analytics (c29cc4e)
- home: inline pages (7c3fc33)
- implement forward (f1118ba)
- load model (a7e299b)
- {super.key} (167d84b)
Build System
- build cpp for android (ed1f0e1)
- disable sanitizer (8bbf5fd)
- fix linker error (80cf641)
- flutter pub add ffi (5f51a5e)
- flutter pub add go_router (4ae2ca2)
- flutter pub add logger logger_flutter_plus (fc69e95)
- flutter pub add path (cd0a08a)
- flutter pub add path_provider (a6c295a)
- flutter pub add settings_ui (7249517)
- flutter pub remove logger (7722084)
- flutter pub remove salomon_bottom_bar (4c472e0)
- flutter pub upgrade (5cf4050)
- hpp to cpp (1916e7b)
- no Werror (01b7d9e)
- set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) (1480961)
- upgrade flutter (92585dd)
0.1.0 (2022-12-06)
- device: DeviceView (9e63c91)
- home: SalomonBottomBar (42e0d69)
- mine: MineView (6be4663)
- monitor: MonitorView (ceb59fb)
- simplify app (5f52ba6)
Bug Fixes
- update base href (85d0282)
Code Refactoring
- no test (dd82368)
Build System
Miscellaneous Chores
- 0.1.0+1 (d184dd6)
- deps: add build_runner (aaa8cca)
- deps: add dependency_validator (ac35930)
- deps: add flutter_riverpod (6aad00e)
- deps: add riverpod_annotation (f2b7bce)
- deps: add riverpod_generator (74e28c5)
- deps: upgrade (01b0c62)
Continuous Integration
- add release-please-action (9803861)
- analyzer exclude generated files (ae1ab90)
- build: build web & release (f2d3140)
- build: remove bad ci (11576a2)
- check: analyze & coverage & dependency_validator (44b61fd)
- release-as: 0.1.0 (59aeee6)
- renovate (7c31502)
- restyled (f7c969e)
- show all types in changelog (7bd275f)
- update linter rules (388de58)