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Releases: CCXXXI/ecg_monitor
Releases · CCXXXI/ecg_monitor
0.11.0 (2023-02-19)
- device: correct setting key
- monitor: update keys of color settings
- monitor: update key of landscapeDuration
- monitor: update key of portraitDuration
- mine: update key of LoggerLevel
- device: update key of CurrentDevice
- add border for ColorIndicator (fffc376)
- better icons for grids (2bdefe7)
- dark theme (dd21d8b)
- device: connect & disconnect (a8cae1d)
- material 3 settings UI (f955992)
- mine: show snackbar after model testing (e3b0ed8)
- mine: simplify SnackBar after model test (84509c4)
- monitor redirect to device manager if no device (1a956ec)
- monitor: 0.1 mV padding for y-axis (6e5ed08)
- monitor: better y-axis (fd67283)
- monitor: hide border (799a3ff)
- monitor: setting group (5023d3d)
- monitor: update lineTypes (a52f14d)
- update lineColor icon (67ea27c)
Bug Fixes
- device: correct setting key (6274e27)
- monitor: remove overlapping axis labels (4f2ec9e)
- monitor: remove overlapping y-axis labels (1fd78dc)
- monitor: msToTimeString (6a4ff5d)
Miscellaneous Chores
- rerun build_runner (cb83867)
Build System
Code Refactoring
- clean up strings (6812d51)
- device: make private (ed506e3)
- device: more device infos (aaafa3a)
- device: simplify fake device (b132691)
- device: update key of CurrentDevice (132f18a)
- mine: make lineTypeSegments private (969ef9b)
- mine: make LoggerLevelIndex private (af75155)
- mine: update key of LoggerLevel (23235c9)
- monitor: combine settings (5c458dd)
- monitor: inline _getTimeAxisTitles & rename to xTitles (87f82d0)
- monitor: inline intervals (5ff6fef)
- monitor: inlines (0fca687)
- monitor: update color types (9cb2181)
- monitor: update key of landscapeDuration (412f608)
- monitor: update key of portraitDuration (5d3427c)
- monitor: update keys of color settings (271e28c)
- monitor: update param names (fe20005)
- remove unnecessary paratheses (d0f619a)
- rename bool providers (c1b34e6)
- reorder classes (f93a45b)
- improve docstring (829eb69)
Continuous Integration
0.10.0 (2023-02-18)
- init sentry (d593b35)
- LoggingIntegration (9754ad2)
- sentry record ip (49d6efb)
- SentryNavigatorObserver (070a1b8)
- SentryScreenshotWidget (37c46fa)
Bug Fixes
- add android.permission.INTERNET (9a8c9f1)
Continuous Integration
- enable all lints (6fc862a)
- enable stricter type checks (18b14f7)
- remove always_specify_types (2136a40)
- remove always_use_package_imports (1640708)
- remove deprecated lints (4c2c345)
- remove invalid_case_patterns (6ff7a56)
- remove prefer_final_parameters (4837722)
- remove prefer_single_quotes (fffac7b)
- remove public_member_api_docs (f9d5e3e)
- remove unnecessary_breaks (caedb2a)
- remove unnecessary_final (6c36382)
- reorder needs & if (947eede)
- simplify lints with all_lint_rules_community (bf5925d)
Code Refactoring
- dart fix --apply (cd2fbd7)
- fix avoid_classes_with_only_static_members (ad4194e)
- fix avoid_positional_boolean_parameters (eda12cf)
- fix cascade_invocations (db2a942)
- fix dangling_library_doc_comments (4569cd5)
- fix discarded_futures & unawaited_futures (0ef497e)
- fix omit_local_variable_types (702008c)
- fix sort_pub_dependencies (3db11c7)
- move ProviderScope to App (e4febf9)
- omit types (b5c43e5)
Build System
- flutter pub add dev:all_lint_rules_community (9941b9a)
- flutter pub add sentry_flutter (d849a8d)
- flutter pub add sentry_logging (d65609c)
- flutter pub remove flutter_lints (e527727)
- sdk: ">=2.19.0 <3.0.0" (b920767)
- reformat by astyle (ae1ce4b)
0.9.0 (2023-02-17)
- analytics: model_stub for web (419c374)
- analytics: Placeholder (6803231)
- mine: changelog in about (b945a10)
- mine: feedback (bf27d18)
- update AboutListTile (8220546)
- Revert "fix: update base href" (31143df)
- update constants test (77a8f22)
Miscellaneous Chores
Build System
- flutter pub add --dev build_web_compilers (ec67f32)
- flutter pub add --dev flutter_launcher_icons (eb3d4d5)
- flutter pub add --dev flutter_native_splash (f736880)
- flutter pub add flutter_markdown (d6ec7c3)
- flutter pub add url_launcher (b967819)
- flutter pub remove flutter_native_splash (0aabf33)
Continuous Integration
- build: add permissions for deploy-pages (0fb1a4f)
- build: build web (817520b)
- build: release artifacts (c80cef0)
- build: release-web (e5f42f8)
- build: set base-href (87cf500)
- cache: true (e0cf1d8)
- remove todos (d9383b5)
0.8.1 (2023-02-16)
- add todos (8e670bf)
- restyle release.yml (d69a8b6)
Miscellaneous Chores
- add build_runner files to git (7255665)
- apply gitignore (0fa40db)
- gitignore generated files (3b7103e)
Build System
- downgrade gradle distribution (ce9e73b)
- flutter pub add cupertino_icons (05ab0e8)
- flutter pub upgrade (da81f22)
- tasks.preBuild.dependsOn(extractAARForNativeBuild) (3f9e5ba)
Continuous Integration
- add Gradle Build Action (020cb33)
- arguments for Gradle Build Action (e9baf7a)
- build: apk & appbundle (2783442)
- build: submodules: recursive (4143982)
- check: dependency_validator ignore cupertino_icons (5401137)
- check: flutter pub run build_runner build (3cbaad7)
- chmod +x android/gradlew (d690b20)
- continue-on-error (0d1da95)
- correct action directory (c134b21)
- extract setup-flutter (4439848)
- gradle wrapper (99dd90f)
- ls (1a5d045)
- no need for package-name (bb0a17d)
- no need to run build_runner (691ff2e)
- simplify setup-android (3c18861)
0.7.0 (2023-02-13)
- mine: better color picker (603ba77)
- monitor: background color (4fac4df)
- monitor: correct grids interval (d32b1ee)
- monitor: line color (ecd133c)
- monitor: show dots (7b926ae)
- monitor: show grids (bae9322)
- monitor: vertical mode: more infos & adaptive y-axis (27fe20c)
- new logger (d784765)
Bug Fixes
- parentNavigatorKey (4afe6d5)
Performance Improvements
Code Refactoring
- extends to implements (5e4bf27)
- home: simplify index (8841373)
- monitor: Chart in Monitor (2ff5dfd)
- monitor: (51bdf2d)
- monitor: make points private (0264fe3)
- monitor: move monitor to subfolder (eb23fb6)
- monitor: null as default value instead of 0 (75c116e)
- monitor: rename to chart (6b68f43)
- move router to utils/ (525d3e3)
- remove View suffix (95a1d9c)
- ShellRoute (fbabb23)
Build System
0.6.0 (2023-02-09)
- mine: add auto-upload setting (4579fe6)
- monitor: dynamic interval (c443ead)
- monitor: time as SideTitleWidget (89c0c7b)
Build System
- flutter pub remove freezed_annotation freezed (be22aee)
Code Refactoring
- mine: split setting providers (8a8e8b5)
- monitor: getIntervalMs (b8ea0c4)
- remove useless code (69ef2a2)
- monitor: getIntervalMs (c624804)
0.5.0 (2023-02-07)
- Column to ListView (0f13193)
- device infos (1bef541)
- device: fake device (5957a31)
- mine: better slider labels (60ede45)
- mine: fake device setting (f4eb65d)
- mine: isThreeLine for ListTile (f8188de)
- monitor: better y axis in landscape (fcbe072)
- monitor: duration settings (8ffa1ec)
- monitor: TimeAxisTitles (45ceed4)
Build System
- add freezed (d70ea8a)
- flutter pub add quiver (075b424)
- flutter pub add shared_preferences (773c3bd)
- flutter pub upgrade (fd88d21)
Code Refactoring
- home: rename params (81d875a)
- model: simplify type annotation (6e2d74e)
- rename (1084dc6)
- rename & move device.dart (ba3d24f)
- rename models (ddf03fc)
- shared preferences (37548fb)
- simplify (2a7cbf4)
- license string test (c77ddaa)