Shell Script that permit run ciftify tool in one dataset.
RUN_CIFTIFY Tool for data processing based on CIFTIFY TOOL.
It's very important,as a previous step, to have installed the following tools:
Freesurfer version 6.0 FSL version 6.0 HCP-Pipelines-4.0.1 Ciftify version Worbench for Linux version See the documentation of CIFTIFY TOOL
Ciftify tool requires the output of the freesurfer processing as input parameter.
The run_cifitify script works by calling ciftify tool for all candidates of the dataset described (param1), and collects the results in the output folder (param2)
Use Mode:
./run_cifity param1 param2
Param1 is the folder that contains all candidates.
Param2 is the name of the Output Folder.
./run_ciftify /home/iris/Mapeo_Study /home/iris/Mapeo_Study cifti_mapeo_output
Authors: Iris Rodriguez Gil.
Date: September ,2019.