Type: Information Management System
Brief Description: A movie recommendation system that is modernized and friendly to use.
Manoj Nagarajappa, Email: [email protected], Github Username: manojn29
Harsh Patel, Email: [email protected], Github Username: hp6164
Riya Patel, Email: [email protected], Github Username: Patelriyaaa
Roz Teves, Email: [email protected], Github Username: CC-Sev
Rahul Sharma, Email: [email protected], Github Username: RS99
- VS code
- Javascript, Python, Flask, Postgresql
- Streaming Availability using RapidApi https://rapidapi.com/movie-of-the-night-movie-of-the-night-default/api/streaming-availability
- TMDB API just to get movie dataset
- Material UI with react
- First, Creating profile’s preference/taste
- Second, Sorting/Ranking categories by some preference
- Third, Watch list (favorite movies to watch or will watch)
- Fourth, Show ratings by critics and/or audience
- Fifth, Give links to where the movie is available to watch (including subscription streaming services and price) also a movie information pages
- Sixth, ADMIN CRUD operations support
- Show news based on latest movies
- Eighth, Graphical Analysis and Analytics based on User Data or Movie Suggestions
- Ninth, Age protection (Child mode and General Mode)
- Tenth, Review Movies
(1-low priority, 9-Highest priority)
- As a user, I would to see news based on latest movies so that I can be up to date on articles about latest movies.
- As a user, I would like to request movies so that I can add movies that I have watched or want to review.
- As a user, I would like to put a theme on my account so the app looks more appealing to the eyes.
- As a user, I would like to put restrictions on what can be viewed for children so that they maintain their innocence and audience compliance.
- As a user, I would like to view the site in a different langauge so that I can use the site in a language more familiar.
- As a user, I would like to see the ratings of the movies so that it can give an a first impression of the quality of the movie.
- As a user, I would to see the analytics of a movie or genre so that I can be informed what is trending and why.
- As a User, I would like to have my own watch list according to my preference so I can remember my favorite movies and watch them.
- As a user, I would like to have links so I have easy accessability to the movie I searched.
- As a user, I would like to have a profile regarding my interests so that it is geared towards my interests.
- As a user, I would like to sort the suggestions of movies so that I can find the best option based on constraints.