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Create complex routing

Michael Jolin edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

Create more complex routing

To use the complex routing method, you need to pass the ApiUrl class as second argument of ConfigApi inside file.

site_config = ConfigApi({
		'response.timeout': 3000
	}, ApiUrl)

Inside your file, you need to replace all method with the decorator "@cherrypy.expose" with a new instance of "RouteUrl" object for every URL.

RouteUrl('/buildingpersonrequiringassistance/', 'BuildingPersonRequiringAssistance')
RouteUrl('/buildingpersonrequiringassistance/:id_building', 'BuildingPersonRequiringAssistance', 'GET', 'get')
RouteUrl('/buildingpersonrequiringassistance/:id_building_person_requiring_assistance', 'BuildingPersonRequiringAssistance', 'DELETE', 'remove')

RouteUrl parameters are:

  • URL path
  • Class to instantiate for URL is call
  • [HTML method on calling]
    If no HTML method are pass, the API use the class property "mapping_method" to find which method need to be call.
    It's possible to use "ALL" as HTML method
  • [Class method to call]
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