중앙대학교 블록체인 학회 C-Link 홈페이지 제작
- React v17
- Next v10
- TypeScript v4
- Styled Components v5
- Ant Design v4
- Linting with ESLint, Formatting with Prettier
- Linting, typechecking and formatting on by default using
for commit hooks - Testing with Jest and
- React, TypeScript NPM Trends
- Next, Styled Component, Ant Design, Sanitize.css NPM Trends
- Jest, React Testing Library NPM Trends
- ESLint, Prettier, Husky NPM Trends
- Node v14 이상 (필수)
- Git (필수)
- Yarn
- Visual Studio Code
- Chrome v86 이상
- Windows 10, macOS 11, Ubuntu 20.04 이상