Centreon server + pollor
Current Status if you follow the how-to, you should get a working Centreon server and poller. I'm about to put this in production and will let everyone know how it goes. Please let me know if you have suggestions on how to improve this. If this goes well, I'll start work on the standalone pollers.
I borrowed julienmathis setup https://hub.docker.com/r/julienmathis/centreon-docker/
- you need a mysql or mariadb docker
- use "install" tag for first run
- run through centreon setup
- grab conf.pm and centreon.conf.php for next phase (I created a volume on the container and used docker exec commands to copy to to the volume after. locations are /etc/centreon/centreon.conf.php and /etc/centreon/conf.pm
- delete container
- create a new contrainer without "install" tag
- setup volumes on container with the centreon.conf.php and conf.pm
- setup a volume for /var/spool/centreon/.ssh/
- create a ssh rsa key there. ssh-keygen
- copy id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys so that the "server" can ssh into itself to manage the "poller"
- create a better howto
- create a centreon server image without a pollor
- create a centreon pollor image
- improve "install" image
- have to figure out a way to have uploaded images saved between contain removes
my docker-compose NOTE: I use a nginx-proxy with letsencrypt docker container to handle the ssl. see c4tech/nginx-proxy-ldap-auth and jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion for more information on that
image: mariadb
- 3306
- ./centreon/db:/var/lib/mysql
- ./centreon/centreon-db.env
restart: always
image: c4tech/c4-centreon-server
- centreon-db
- 80
- ./centreon/data/centreon.conf.php:/etc/centreon/centreon.conf.php
- ./centreon/data/conf.pm:/etc/centreon/conf.pm
- ./centreon/data/dotssh/:/var/spool/centreon/.ssh/
- ./centreon/centreon.env
restart: always```