Java Library for ButterCMS API.
For a comprehensive list of examples, check out the API documentation.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.buttercms:buttercmsclient:1.13.0'
To get started with the Butter API, instantiate the ButterCMSClient with the API key found in the Butter Admin Settings and a boolean to specify whether preview mode is enabled. Preview mode enabled will return items saved as drafts. An optional timeout parameter can be passed as a TimeSpan; the default is 10 seconds.
import com.buttercms.IButterCMSClient;
import com.buttercms.ButterCMSClient;
IButterCMSClient client = new ButterCMSClient("your_api_token", isPreviewEnabled);
If the application will be making many Butter API calls, it is recommended to store and re-use the client object.
Given client is based on Apache HttpComponents - meaning, in case you need more custom setting for HttpClient
you can pass one in to constructor:
import com.buttercms.IButterCMSClient;
import com.buttercms.ButterCMSClient;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
HttpClient you_http_client = HttpClients.custom()
IButterCMSClient client = new ButterCMSClient("your_api_token", isPreviewEnabled, you_http_client);
Listing posts returns a PostsResponse object. This object consists of a PaginationMeta object and List<Post>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Default | Description |
page(optional) | 1 | Used to paginate through older posts. |
page_size(optional) | 10 | Used to set the number of blog posts shown per page. |
exclude_body(optional) | false | When true, does not return the full post body. Useful for keeping response size down when showing a list of blog posts. |
author_slug(optional) | Filter posts by an author’s slug. | |
category_slug(optional) | Filter posts by a category’s slug. |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
PostsResponse posts = butterClient.getPosts(queryParams);
Retrieving a single Post will return a PostResponse object. This object consists of a single Post and PostMetadata. Post Metadata offers hints about the Previous and Next posts.
Parameter | Description |
slug | The slug of the post to be retrieved. |
PostResponse controversialPost = butterClient.getPost("tabs-vs-spaces-throwdown");
Searching posts will return a PostsResponseObject PostsResponse object. This object consists of a PaginationMeta object and List<Post>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Default | Description |
query | Search query | |
page(optional) | 1 | Used to paginate through older posts. |
page_size(optional) | 10 | Used to set the number of blog posts shown per page. |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
put("query", "search query");
PostsResponse posts = butterClient.getSearchPosts(queryParams);
Listing posts returns a AuthorsResponse object. This object consists of a List<Author>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return the author's recent posts in the response |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
AuthorsResponse authors = butterClient.getAuthors(queryParams);
Retrieving an author returns an AuthorResponse object. This object consists of single Author if found
Parameter | Description |
slug | The slug of the author to be retrieved. |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return the author's recent posts in the response |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
AuthorResponse authors = butterClient.getAuthor("john",queryParams);
Listing Categories returns a CategoriesResponse object. This object consists of a List<Category>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return recent posts along with categories |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
CategoriesResponse getCategories = butterClient.getCategories(queryParams);
Retrieving an author returns an CategoryResponse object. This object consists of single Category if found
Parameter | Description |
slug | The slug of the category to be retrieved. |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return recent posts along with categories |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
CategoryResponse getCategories = butterClient.getCategory("java",queryParams);
Listing Tags returns a TagsResponse object. This object consists of a List<Tag>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Query Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return recent posts along with tags |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
TagsResponse getTags = butterClient.getTags(queryParams);
Retrieving an author returns an TagResponse object. This object consists of single Tag if found
Parameter | Description |
slug | The slug of the tag to be retrieved. |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
Parameter | Description |
include | If value is recent_posts , will return recent posts along with tag |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
TagResponse getTag = butterClient.getTag("java",queryParams);
Each of the feeds methods returns a Document.
Retrieve a fully generated RSS feed for your blog.
Document rssFeed = butterClient.getRSS();
Retrieve a fully generated Atom feed for your blog.
Document atomFeed = butterClient.getAtom();
Retrieve a fully generated sitemap for your blog.
XmlDocument siteMap = butterClient.getSiteMap();
Listing collection items returns a CollectionResponse<T> object. This object consists of a PaginationMeta object and Collection<T>;
Parameter | Description |
collectionSlug | Collection key |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
classType | Class that collection will be deserialized in to |
Query Parameter | Description |
fields.key (optional) | Optional param. Filter the result set by the field and value. |
order (optional) | Order the result set by this field. Defaults to Ascending. Preprend ’-’ to sort Descending. i.e. order=-date_published |
page (optional) | Used for Paginating through result set. |
page_size (optional) | Used for Paginating. Defines the number of results returned. |
locale (optional) | Set to the api slug of your configured locale (i.e. en or fr) |
levels (optional) | Defaults to 2. Defines the levels of relationships to serialize. |
CollectionResponse response = client.getCollection("cars", new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("fields.weight", "400");
put("page_size", "1");
}}, Car.class);
Listing Pages returns a PagesResponse<T> object. This object consists of a PaginationMeta object and List<T>
Parameter | Description |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
classType | Class that Page will be deserialized in to |
Query Parameter | Description |
fields.key (optional) | Optional param. Filter the result set by the field and value. |
order (optional) | Order the result set by this field. Defaults to Ascending. Preprend ’-’ to sort Descending. i.e. order=-date_published |
page (optional) | Used for Paginating through result set. |
page_size (optional) | Used for Paginating. Defines the number of results returned. |
locale (optional) | Set to the api slug of your configured locale (i.e. en or fr) |
levels (optional) | Defaults to 2. Defines the levels of relationships to serialize. |
PagesResponse<RecipePage> response = client.getPages("recipe", new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("page_size", "1");
}}, RecipePage.class)
Retrieving a single page returns a PageResponse<T> object
Parameter | Description |
pageType | Desired page type |
pageSlug | Slug of the desired page |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
classType | Class that Page will be deserialized in to |
Query Parameter | Description |
locale (optional) | Set to the api slug of your configured locale (i.e. en or fr) |
PageResponse<RecipePage> recipe = client.getPage("recipe", "recipe-page-11", new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("locale", "en");
}}, RecipePage.class);
Listing Pages returns a PagesResponse<T> object. This object consists of a PaginationMeta object and List<T>
Parameter | Description |
pageTypeSlug | The slug of the type of pages you want to retrieve |
queryParams | Map of additional Query Parameters |
classType | Class that Page will be deserialized in to |
Query Parameter | Description |
query | Search query |
preview (optional) | Set to 1 to return the latest draft version of a page. |
fields.key (optional) | Optional param. Filter the result set by the field and value. |
order (optional) | Order the result set by this field. Defaults to Ascending. Preprend ’-’ to sort Descending. i.e. order=-date_published |
page (optional) | Used for Paginating through result set. |
page_size (optional) | Used for Paginating. Defines the number of results returned. |
locale (optional) | Set to the api slug of your configured locale (i.e. en or fr) |
levels (optional) | Defaults to 2. Defines the levels of relationships to serialize. |
Map<String,String> queryParams = new HashMap<String,String>(){{
put("query", "search query");
PagesResponse posts = butterClient.getSearchPages(queryParams);
Property | Type |
meta | PaginationMeta |
data | List<Post> |
Property | Type |
url | String |
created | Date |
published | Date |
scheduled | Date |
Author | Author |
Categories | List<Category> |
Tags | List<Tag> |
slug | String |
title | String |
body | String |
summary | String |
seoTitle | String |
metaDescription | String |
featuredImage | String |
featuredImageAlt | String |
Status | Status |
Constant | Value |
Draft | 1 |
Published | 2 |
Scheduled | 3 |
Property | Type |
Meta | PostMeta |
Data | Post |
Property | Type |
nextPost | PostSummary |
previousPost | PostSummary |
Property | Type |
slug | string |
title | string |
featuredImage | string |
Property | Type |
data | List<Author> |
Property | Type |
data | Author |
Property | Type |
firstName | string |
lastName | string |
string | |
slug | string |
bio | string |
title | string |
linkedinUrl | string |
facebookUrl | string |
instagramUrl | string |
pinterestUrl | string |
twitterHandle | string |
profileImage | string |
recentPosts | List<Post> |
Property | Type |
data | List<Category> |
Property | Type |
data | Category |
Property | Type |
name | string |
slug | string |
recentPosts | IEnumerable<Post> |
Property | Type |
data | List<Tag> |
Property | Type |
data | Tag |
Property | Type |
name | string |
slug | string |
recentPosts | IEnumerable<Post> |
Property | Type |
data | Collection<T> |
meta | PaginationMeta |
Property | Type |
items | List<T> |
Property | Type |
meta | PageMeta |
data | List<Page<T>> |
Property | Type |
count | int |
previousPage | int |
nextPage | int |
Property | Type |
data | Page<T> |
Property | Type |
slug | string |
pageType | string |
fields | T |
status | Status |
scheduled | Date |
General RunTime exception that wraps API error responses