Repo for automating kubeSimplify Tweets
Welcome🙏🏼 to the tweets repo of KUBESIMPLIFY.
We are targeting to automate the tweets of KUBESIMPLIFY
WorkFlow diagram
flowchart LR;
classDef green color:#022e1f,fill:#00f500;
classDef red color:#022e1f,fill:#f11111;
classDef white color:#022e1f,fill:#fff;
classDef black color:#fff,fill:#000;
XX[Issue Created]:::white--Github Actions-->sss{PR created}:::black;
sss{PR created}--Approved-->tweeted[Tweet]:::green;
sss{PR created}--Disapproved-->CLOSED:::red;
Create a new file tweets/hello-world.tweet
with the content
Hello, world!
You can use subfolders, e.g. tweets/2019-02/hello-world.tweet
, as long as the file is in the tweets/
folder and has a file with this file extension .tweet
A tweet including a poll must end with 2-4 options in the following format
Here is some text
( ) option A
( ) option B
( ) option C
( ) option D
- Only newly created files are handled, whereas deletions, updates or renames are ignored.
- *.tweet files will not be created for tweets you send out directly from
⚠️ If you need to rename an existing tweet file, please do so locally usinggit mv old_filename new_filename
, otherwise it may occur as deleted and added which would trigger a new tweet.- your message must fit into a single tweet
If you have any further questions or suggestions, please create an issue at
- Fork this repo if successful, will be redirected to your github account
- Open Terminal to clone from your github repo
git clone<username>/tweets
- then you need to go inside the directory
cd tweets/
- You need to set upstream url, run this command to do so:
git remote add upstream
# as best practice before creating a new branch
git pull upstream main --rebase
- Run these commands to add a different branch:
You can have anything as <branch_name> , but by convention it should indicate what you are working on
example : <branch_name> can be add-folder, when you are adding your folder.
# next is to create a branch
git branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name>
For learning more about upstream or origin and github, Watch Kunal Kushwaha's or freecodecamp course on github.
- Make a directory with an appropriate name
mkdir <Dir_name>
git add .
git commit -m <Commit Message>
git push origin <branch_name> # this will push your changes to your github repo
- Go to your github forked repo, You will see an option to "Compare and Pull request".
- Click on that and Then You will see an option to "Create pull request". Click on that.
- That's it you have made your pull request.🥳