I am a 23 years old man from Argentina. I have done an intensive Full Stack Developement Bootcamp at Henry focused on Javascript. On October 2022 I found my first job in Julasoft, an argentian company as a Django developer and I also contributed to some frontend issues and features with React.
const Me = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
Code: [Javascript,Python, HTML, CSS],
technologies: {
frontEnd: [React, Redux,Vercel],
backEnd: [Node,Django, Express, PostgreSQL,Firebase,Railway]
tools: [Postman,PGAdmin4,Google DevTools],
architecture: [SPA],
- π± I finished Henry's Bootcamp on June 2022 and I'm always ready to learn new tecnologies.
- π¬ I work with JavaScript,Python, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Node JS, Express,Django, PostgreSQL, Sequelize.
- β‘ Soft skills: I enjoy working in groups with agile methologies.
- π I studied 3 years and a half Aeronautical Engenieering at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2018-2022) before I decide to learn programming.
- π Actually in Barcelona, Spain.