A JavaScript Repeater Field Library (Similar to the Repeater Field in ACF for WordPress).
Comes unstyled, apply your own classes and styles. The minified version is just 5kb!
The first step is to create a container element where the Repeater Field contents are going to be placed. Example:
<div id="repeater-field-container"></div>
Then we include the library script in our project and instantiate the RepeaterField object using the "new" keyword. Example:
<script src="repeater-field.min.js"></script>
const container = document.getElementById("repeater-field-container");
const repeaterField = new RepeaterField(container, {
// Parameters here
Finally, we call the getData() method from our RepeaterField instance whenever we want to retrieve the field data. The method returns an array of arrays representing each one of the Repeater Field rows. Example:
The returned data will look similar to this:
["Field 1 Value", "Field 2 Value", "Field 3 Value"], // Input row 1
["Field 1 Value", "Field 2 Value", "Field 3 Value"] // Input row 2
The RepeaterField constructor accepts parameters that let you predefine data, change element values, define field types, add more elements to rows, wrap fields in divs, etc.
Here is a example of the parameter object:
// The data array allows you to build input rows from pre-defined data (useful when the data is being retrieved from the database)
// Each array within the parent data array represents an input row where input values are represented by strings
data: [
["John", "John is a musician", "32"],
["Juliette", "Juliette is a scientist", "23"]
fields: {
// The wrapper element where input rows are going to be stored
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: ["repeater-field-wrapper"]
// The elements wrapping all of the input fields
row: {
element: "div",
classList: ["repeater-input-row"]
// Input field settings below
// To add an additional field, just add another object within the inputs array
// Give the object additional parameters for customization (optional)
// Available input types: text, textarea, number, url, time, tel, range, password, month, email, datetime-local, date, color
inputs: [
classList: ["repeater-name"],
type: "text",
name: "repeater-name",
placeholder: "Name...",
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: [
classList: ["repeater-description"],
type: "textarea",
name: "repeater-description",
placeholder: "Description...",
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: [
classList: ["repeater-number"],
type: "number",
name: "repeater-age",
placeholder: "Age...",
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: [
deleteButton: {
value: "Delete",
classList: ["repeater-delete-button"],
name: "repeater-delete-button",
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: ["repeater-delete-wrapper"]
addButton: {
value: "Add",
classList: ["repeater-add-button"],
name: "repeater-add-button",
wrapper: {
element: "div",
classList: ["repeater-add-wrapper"]