Note: Previously known as zfe, this project has been renamed to Jido to better reflect its purpose and functionality.
Jido is a lightweight Unix TUI file explorer designed for speed and simplicity.
The name 地圖 (지도) translates to "map" in English, reflecting Jido's purpose: helping you navigate and explore your file system with ease. With Vim-like bindings and a minimalist interface, Jido focuses on speed and simplicity.
To install Jido, check the "Releases" page or build locally
via zig build --release=safe
to view PDF text previews.- A terminal supporting the
kitty image protocol
to view images.
Normal mode:
<CTRL-c> :Exit.
j / <Down> :Go down.
k / <Up> :Go up.
h / <Left> / - :Go to the parent directory.
l / <Right> :Open item or change directory.
g :Go to the top.
G :Go to the bottom.
c :Change directory via path. Will enter input mode.
R :Rename item. Will enter input mode.
D :Delete item.
u :Undo delete/rename.
d :Create directory. Will enter input mode.
% :Create file. Will enter input mode.
/ :Fuzzy search directory. Will enter input mode.
: :Allows for Jido commands to be entered. Please refer to the
"Command mode" section for available commands. Will enter
input mode.
Input mode:
<Esc> :Cancel input.
<CR> :Confirm input.
Command mode:
<Up> / <Down> :Cycle previous commands.
:q :Exit.
:config :Navigate to config directory if it exists.
:trash :Navigate to trash directory if it exists.
:empty_trash :Empty trash if it exists. This action cannot be undone.
:cd <path> :Change directory via path. Will enter input mode.
Configure jido
by editing the external configuration file located at either:
Jido will look for these env variables specifically. If they are not set, Jido will not be able to find the config file.
An example config file can be found here.
Config schema:
Config = struct {
.show_hidden: bool,
.sort_dirs: bool,
.show_images: bool,
.preview_file: bool,
.empty_trash_on_exit: bool,
.styles: Styles,
NotificationStyles = struct {
box: vaxis.Style,
err: vaxis.Style,
warn: vaxis.Style,
info: vaxis.Style,
Styles = struct {
.selected_list_item: Style,
.list_item: Style,
.file_name: Style,
.file_information: Style
.notification: NotificationStyles,
.git_branch: Style,
Style = struct {
.fg: Color,
.bg: Color,
.ul: Color,
.ul_style = .{
.bold: bool,
.dim: bool,
.italic: bool,
.blink: bool,
.reverse: bool,
.invisible: bool,
.strikethrough: bool,
Color = enum{
index: u8,
rgb: [3]u8,
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are always welcome! This project is currently using the latest stable release of Zig (0.14.0).