A simple C# .ini file parser.
The Document
class represents an ini file and contains methods for loading
the file data either from file, a list of strings, or even a string containing
the entire file data.
using SharpIni;
Document doc = new Document();
// Loading from file "config.ini".
if( !doc.LoadFromFile( "config.ini" ) )
return -1;
// Loading from a list of strings.
string[] lines = new string[] { /* File data broken up into lines. */ };
if( !doc.LoadFromLines( lines ) )
return -1;
// Loading from a string.
string file_data = "<file data here>";
if( !doc.LoadFromString( file_data ) )
return -1;
The Section
class is a list of associated key-value pairs represented by the
class. Keys belonging to a section can be accessed with the Section[string]
accessor, indexed by name.
; config.ini
// Load in config.ini as document 'doc'.
Section settings = doc[ "Settings" ];
if( settings == null ) // Settings section does not exist.
return -2;
Key width_key = settings[ "width" ];
if( width_key == null ) // Settings section does not contain width key.
return -3;
Key height_key = doc[ "Settings" ]?[ "height" ];
if( height_key == null ) // Settings section does not contain height key.
return -4;
The Key
class, as previously mentioned, is a key-value pair that represents
a key in an ini file. It is identified by Key.Name
and its value can be
accessed with Key.Value
. It also has some convenience functions for converting
its value to different standard types.
// Load in config.ini as document 'doc'.
Section settings = doc[ "Settings" ];
if( settings == null )
return -2;
Key width_key = settings[ "width" ];
if( width_key == null )
return -3;
// Get width key as an int.
int width = width_key.ToInt32();
// Get height key as an unsigned long int.
int width = width_key.ToUInt64();
All SharpIni classes return their in-file representations as a string on
calling ToString()
, so it can be as simple as:
using System.IO;
using SharpIni;
Document doc;
// Populate document.
File.WriteAllText( "config.ini", doc.ToString() );
// Unable to write doc to file.
return -4;
// Write succeeded.