UC-davis data science bootcamp final project utilizing RL to train ai to play a simple maze game
This model performs optimally when all is said and done. However, I set out with a goal to be able to generate a randomized maze and have the RL agent solve it. From watching a lot of lectures and reading papers trying to achieve this goal, I've gleaned that generalized tasks like that are much more difficult than I anticipated. While this model would be able to solve most mazes given to it. It would require training on that specific maze each time. This is just the nature of a DQN agent and Q Learning in general. I hope to look in to more generalizable solutions in the future.
I'm hoping to capture a large amount of user data. I would like to run an experiment using the data to create a supervised learning model. I could then compare the performance between the two models.
- Files located in model_building folder.
- Jupyter notebook for the Env class and training
- .md file for notes on experimentation
- Extended the Env class to make a custom environment.
- Action space includes 4 Discrete actions.
- Observations space is a 10x10 grid.
- Each point can have a value an int value in range [1, 3].
- 200 steps per episode.
- This is likely higher than it needs to be.
- Reward Structure
- -0.04 for valid moves to discourage behaviors that made new progress.
- -0.5 for invalid moves to discourage moving into walls.
- +20 for finding each goal.
- -20 if time ran out without finding final goal.
- Rendering.
- Matplotlib.pyplot visualization of the grid at each state.
- Sequential model using tensorflow.keras
- Input
- 2d matrix flattened in first layer.
- Hidden layers
- 2x 100 node fully connected Dense layers.
- ReLU activation.
- Output
- 4 node dense output layer. One of each action.
- Linear activation.
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
flatten (Flatten) (None, 100) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 100) 10100
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 100) 10100
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 4) 404
Total params: 20,604
Trainable params: 20,604
Non-trainable params: 0
- Deep Q-Network (DQN) from package keras-rl2
- Policy
- BoltzmannQPolicy
- Would like to expirement with other policies in the future. Potentially write my own.
- Trained over 100,000 steps.
- This is likely to be overkill
- Python utilizing Flask for server code.
- 3 main routes serve basic html
- index
- machine
- data
- "/json_data" route
- end point for d3 to pull the latest aggregated play data
- "/game_data"
- Ajax request sent to this route at the end of every human played game.
- Inserts game record into DB
- queryDB is a command line utility function.
- Querying the database to create the aggregate data .json file will become quite a large task as the database grows. I'll likely set up a schedule to run this function periodically. For now, I can run it manually when I want to update visualization data instead of it running every time a user requests the data.
- 3 main routes serve basic html
- MongoDB Atlas for data storage
- One collection.
- Each record has a timestamp of when the game took place and a list of states and the action taken in that state.
- One collection.
- Javascript
- 2 logic files for Human Play and Data Analysis pages
- Main responsibility is to build grid, set up event handlers and process moves
- Human play has additional responsibility of sending gameplay data to the server.
- Data Analysis has additional responsibility of getting aggregated gameplay data from the server
- These files both impliment classes that are very similar. I plan to write a parent class for the grid system and have these 2 logic files extend that class.
- Main responsibility is to build grid, set up event handlers and process moves
- Packages
- d3 for fetching json data from server
- Chartjs for generating data visualization.
- 2 logic files for Human Play and Data Analysis pages
- bootstrap with some custom styling.
- One layout file extended by the 3 main webpage files.