- Avelon Pang (relationships, controllers, seeding data, custom css and logo)
- Brian Li
App that allows users to browse, schedule playdates and adopt shelter animals directly from the site
- Built with Ruby on Rails and HTML
- Accessed a Sqlite3 database using ActiveRecord and in a test-driven environment
- Implemented a Rails that uses an MVC structure and RESTful conventions on a single page application
- Designed 7 models with strong many to many relationships with full CRUD functionality
- Wrote various loop mechanism for accurate results based on set conditions
- rails db:migrate
- rails db:seed
- rails server or rails s
- open http://localhost:3000/ in broswer
- Must login or create an account
- Browse all cats and dogs
- View description of specific animals available for adoption
- Schedule/add, edit or delete playdates
- Ability to adopt unlimited animals
- Displays user's name and adopted pet
- Browse other pets that are no longer available for adoption
- User can log out when finished