This project implements an authentication server using FastAPI, focusing on the authorization code flow, which is widely recognized for its robustness. This implementation is currently a prototype and not recommended for production environments.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Python 3.11<
- Basic authorization code flow knowledge
Create virtual enviroment
python -m venv '.'
Activate virtual enviroment (Dunno how to do on Linux so here is Windows)
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create .env and fill out this stuff
API_KEY ="test_key"
SMTP_SERV="your smtp server"
Run tests
Run uvicorn
uvicorn main:app
If you want to test it out in practice run:
Then go to localhost:9000/docs
Here is a basic flow that client app should follow.
GET - /v0/auth?client_id=someclient&response_type=code&redirect_uri=
redirect_uri - This is where you will recieve your authorization code
client_id - must be included, as the name sugests client app id
response_type - always set to code, don't worry about it
POST - /v0/token
This is where you exchange your auth code for JWT
Request body is self explanatory.
"grant_type" : "authorization_code",
"code" : "ef7b9c90-8b5d-443b-854f-590c4f9feada",
"redirect_uri" : "",
"client_id" : "someclient"
This is where resource server would retrieve public key for decode.
Hidden behind API_KEY of course.
There are some other endpoints like Register or Login but those are pretty self explanatory.
Use actual DB- PKCE
- Unique RSA keys for every client
- Unique API_KEY for every resource server
- More secure way to store keys
- Dockerize
- Production ready