BIGr is an R package developed by Breeding Insight that provides a robust set of functions for analyzing genomic and pedigree data in diploid and polyploid breeding programs. It's designed to streamline the analysis of breeding and genetic data, empowering researchers and breeders to make informed decisions.
To install BIGr, you'll need to have BiocManager
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("Breeding-Insight/BIGr", dependencies = TRUE)
BIGr development is supported by Breeding Insight, a USDA-funded initiative based at Cornell University.
If you use BIGr in your research, please cite as:
Sandercock, Alexander M., Cristiane H. Taniguti, Josue Chinchilla-Vargas, Donguan Zhao, Shufen Chen, Meng Lin, Manoj Sapkota, and Breeding Insight Team. 2024. “(B)reeding (I)nsight (G)enomics Functions for Polypoid and Diploid Species.”